It is two years since a general meeting of the Gesellschaft fur Biologische Chemie first requested us to organize the 21 st Mosbach Colloquium on mammalian reproduction, and one year since we received final authorization to do so. The present volume contains the papers read at the Colloquium, but the discussions have been omitted because writing and proof reading them would have delayed the appearance of this volume for an unjustifiable long time. Besides, in most cases the discussion was of a relatively specific nature and we did not consider it essential, bearing in mind that the purpose of...
It is two years since a general meeting of the Gesellschaft fur Biologische Chemie first requested us to organize the 21 st Mosbach Colloquium on mamm...
HERBERT FISCHER Max-Planck-Institut fur Immunbiologie, Freiburg-Zahringen With 3 Figures Ladies and Gentlemen: On behalf of the organizers of the 22nd Mosbach Colloquium, Msrs. HOLZL-WALLACH, STOFFEL, WIEGANDT and myself, I bid you all a hearty welcome. We thank you all for coming and naturally feel particular appreciation for the presence of the invited speakers. But, thanks to the tradition that the Mosbach Colloquia have enjoyed for 22 years we did not need to work very hard, since most of our invitations were accepted without hesitation. Perhaps some of you will wonder why Mosbach and its...
HERBERT FISCHER Max-Planck-Institut fur Immunbiologie, Freiburg-Zahringen With 3 Figures Ladies and Gentlemen: On behalf of the organizers of the 22nd...
The present volume contains the proceedings of the 23rd Mos- bach Colloquium on "Protein-Protein Interactions". It includes the paper by Prof. S. LIFSON who unfortunately was unable to attend. Discussions were included whenever possible in order to make the complete proceedings accessible to the future reader. The colloquium was generously supported by the firms who are corporate members of the Gesellschaft fur Biologische Chemie. Dr. W. B. GRATZER and Dr. L. JAENICKE, as weIl as some of the invited speakers, were a tremendous help in preparing the program and we wish to thank them for their...
The present volume contains the proceedings of the 23rd Mos- bach Colloquium on "Protein-Protein Interactions". It includes the paper by Prof. S. LIFS...
This volume contains the lectures and discussions of the 34th Mosbach Colloquium, organized by the Gesellschaft fur Biologische Chemie in commemoration of otto Warburg's 100th anniversary. Following warburg's main scientific interests the topics of the contributions were related to the hydrogen-transferring enzymes as well as to the oxygen-reducing and oxygen-activating enzymes. Due to the detailed knowledge on the molecular structure of NAD- and flavin-dependent dehydrogenases, a better understanding of enzyme catalysis and especially enzyme evolu- tion has emerged. In the field of oxidases...
This volume contains the lectures and discussions of the 34th Mosbach Colloquium, organized by the Gesellschaft fur Biologische Chemie in commemoratio...
The 35th N: osbach Colloquium "The Impact of Gene Transfer Techniques in Eukaryotic CeU Biology" brought together a number of speakers interested in various aspects of cellular and developmental biology and over 600 other scientists, who listened to the lectures and participated in the lively discussions. The questions and experiments described were very varied, but all of them illustrated the importance of recombinant DNA technology. The powerful techniques of identifying and isolating DNA sequences, followed by their introduction into living cells and even into the germ cells of...
The 35th N: osbach Colloquium "The Impact of Gene Transfer Techniques in Eukaryotic CeU Biology" brought together a number of speakers interested in v...
The field of the neurosciences is one of the most rapidly growing in present biological research. Its molecular aspects are dealt with by the discipline of neurobiochemistry. As the theme of the Mosbacher Colloquium, we chose this term rather than the term "neurochemistry", in order to stress the dynamic biochemical aspects of present molecu- lar neurobiology and to avoid the flavor of being purely descriptive and "static", which is frequently associated with the term neurochem- istry. This appears the more warranted, since the natural products and analytical chemistry phase of discovering...
The field of the neurosciences is one of the most rapidly growing in present biological research. Its molecular aspects are dealt with by the discipli...
Elucidation of the mechanisms of pathogenesis underlying the diseases caused by viruses and bacteria has fascinated scientists for many years in two ways. Firstly, these pathogenic agents represent relatively sim ple biological systems for the study of basic biological processes such as replication, gene regulation, genetic variability and host-pathogen interactions. Secondly, process in this field is valuable in a practi cal sence, since it can help in the control of these diseases. The avail ability of new genetic and immunological techniques, especially recom binant DNA methods and...
Elucidation of the mechanisms of pathogenesis underlying the diseases caused by viruses and bacteria has fascinated scientists for many years in two w...
Recent years have seen tremendous progress in the field of hormone action and consequent signal transduction. The 40th Colloquium Mosbach was devoted to the discussion of results concerning the molecular process of hormone action, especially the processes following hormone binding to the corresponding receptors. Structural and functional aspects of steroid hormone receptors as well as ion-channel-coupled and enzyme-linked receptors were treated in detail. Particular interest focussed on the latest results concerning transcriptional control, protein phosphorylation, the role of G-Proteins,...
Recent years have seen tremendous progress in the field of hormone action and consequent signal transduction. The 40th Colloquium Mosbach was devoted ...
The present volume contains 17 lectures of the 41 st Mosbach Colloquium of the Gesellschaft fiir Biologische Chemie, held from April 5-7, 1990 on the topic "The Molecular Basis of Bacterial Metabolism." From the beginning it was not the intention of the organizers to present a comprehensive account, but rather to select new, exciting progress on sometimes exotic reactions of specifically bacterial, mainly anaerobic metabolism. Members of our society had contributed to this progress to an extent that greatly stimulated the scientific exchange with international colleagues during the days in...
The present volume contains 17 lectures of the 41 st Mosbach Colloquium of the Gesellschaft fiir Biologische Chemie, held from April 5-7, 1990 on the ...