Contents: P. Vihan: The Last Month of Gerhard Gentzen in Prague. - F.A. Rodriguez-Consuegra: Some Issues on Godel's Unpublished Philosophical Manuscripts. - D.D. Spalt: Vollstandigkeit als Ziel historischer Explikation. Eine Fallstudie. - E. Engeler: Existenz und Negation in Mathematik und Logik. - W.J. Gutjahr: Paradoxien der Prognose und der Evaluation: Eine fixpunkttheoretische Analyse. - R. Hahnle: Automated Deduction and Integer Programming. - M. Baaz, A. Leitsch: Methods of Functional Extension.
Contents: P. Vihan: The Last Month of Gerhard Gentzen in Prague. - F.A. Rodriguez-Consuegra: Some Issues on Godel's Unpublished Philosophical Manuscri...
Contents: H. de Nivelle: Resolution Games and Non-Liftable Resolution Orderings. - M. Kerber, M. Kohlhase: A Tableau Calculus for Partial Functions. - G. Salzer: MUltlog: an Expert System for Multiple-valued Logics. - J. Krajic ek: A Fundamental Problem of Mathematical Logic. - P. Pudlak: On the Lengths of Proofs of Consistency. - A. Carbone: The Craig Interpolation Theorem for Schematic Systems. - I.A. Stewart: The Role of Monotonicity in Descriptive Complexity Theory. - R. Freund, L. Staiger: Numbers Defined by Turing Machines.
Contents: H. de Nivelle: Resolution Games and Non-Liftable Resolution Orderings. - M. Kerber, M. Kohlhase: A Tableau Calculus for Partial Functions. -...