In this first volume of the collected talks and essays of Paramahansa Yogananda, readers will journey through some little-known and seldom-explained aspects of meditation, life after death, healing, and the power of the mind.
In this first volume of the collected talks and essays of Paramahansa Yogananda, readers will journey through some little-known and seldom-explained a...
Original and thought-provoking talks on health and healing, karma and reincarnation, the universality of yoga, and more are included in this collection of works on the topic of realizing God in daily life.
Original and thought-provoking talks on health and healing, karma and reincarnation, the universality of yoga, and more are included in this collectio...
We live in an age of fibreglass but we're still looking for the sacred values of life. In this second anthology of writings and talks, Yogananda addresses the deepest needs of the human heart.
We live in an age of fibreglass but we're still looking for the sacred values of life. In this second anthology of writings and talks, Yogananda addre...
This collection debates the path and purpose of life. The author discusses such topics as whether it is possible to hasten human evolution, the possibility of a scientific method to ensure a pathway to life's highest fulfilments and what guidelines help mediators find genuine spiritual progress.
This collection debates the path and purpose of life. The author discusses such topics as whether it is possible to hasten human evolution, the possib...