The importance of the leading British architect A. W. N. Pugin (1812-52) in the history of the Gothic Revival, the development of ecclesiology, the origins of the Arts and Crafts Movement, and in architectural theory is incontestable. His letters are vigorous, direct, often witty, and invaluable for architectural and religio-historical research. This is the second of five planned volumes.
The importance of the leading British architect A. W. N. Pugin (1812-52) in the history of the Gothic Revival, the development of ecclesiology, the or...
The importance of A. W. N. Pugin (1812-52) in the history of the Gothic Revival, in the development of ecclesiology, in the origins of the Arts and Crafts Movement, and in architectural theory is incontestable. A leading British architect who was also a designer of furniture, textiles, stained glass, metalwork, and ceramics, he is one of the most significant figures of the mid-nineteenth century and one of the greatest designers. His correspondence is important because it provides more insight into the man and more information about his work than any other source. This volume, the fourth of...
The importance of A. W. N. Pugin (1812-52) in the history of the Gothic Revival, in the development of ecclesiology, in the origins of the Arts and Cr...