The second edition of The Floppy Infant is devoted to the recognition and diagnosis of the floppy infant syndrome. It includes a review of some of the more important causes and provides a practical approach to the assessment and management such children require. The text of the first edition has been completely revised, but the emphasis has not changed: it remains an immensely practical and up-to-date handbook for the clinician.
The second edition of The Floppy Infant is devoted to the recognition and diagnosis of the floppy infant syndrome. It includes a review of some of the...
The advent of hormonal infertility treatments and in vitro fertilization techniques have led to a sharp increase in the number of quadruplet and higher-order conceptions in recent years. Improved neonatal care and nutrition have meant that many more of these babies survive. Yet it appears that very little research has been done into the lives of such children and the psychodevelopmental consequences of their multiple status. In this book, Marie M. Clay brings together what is known from historical records and reports in the medical, psychological, and popular press. She points to the...
The advent of hormonal infertility treatments and in vitro fertilization techniques have led to a sharp increase in the number of quadruplet and highe...
This book discusses all aspects of the effects of spina bifida and hydrocephalus on the fetus, the child, and the adolescent. Chapters review current neurosurgical techniques, perinatal death and malformation, together with the effects of spina bifida and hydrocephalus on behavior and education. The book thus presents an up-to-date view on the current diagnosis, investigation, and treatment of these two conditions.
This book discusses all aspects of the effects of spina bifida and hydrocephalus on the fetus, the child, and the adolescent. Chapters review current ...
This book offers a comprehensive and readable account of theoretical aspects of the origins and normal development of handedness and its relationship to cerebral lateralization. It reviews the evidence for links between non-right-handedness and various developmental disorders: mental impairment, autism, epilepsy, and disorders of spoken and written language. The emphasis is on understanding the range of underlying mechanisms that might lead to associations between handedness and disorder and on identifying assessment procedures that can distinguish between different explanations.
This book offers a comprehensive and readable account of theoretical aspects of the origins and normal development of handedness and its relationship ...
This book is concerned with one of the major areas of misdiagnosis in medicine today. It has been estimated that as many as thirty percent of children typed as "epileptic" when presenting with loss of consciousness, falls or other paroxysmal episodes have, in fact, non-epileptic attacks. Yet because of the stigma attached to this label, and the frequent side effects of anti-epileptic drugs, it is important that the alternative etiological mechanisms be recognized. The most common of these conditions, the vagalmediated anoxic seizure or fainting fit, is so frequent that it will be encountered...
This book is concerned with one of the major areas of misdiagnosis in medicine today. It has been estimated that as many as thirty percent of children...
This practical guide is for primary-care doctors and health visitors involved in the detection of developmental problems in children whose parents are worried that their child is not developing like other children. It will be of assistance to paediatricians and paediatric neurologists in providing a developmental perspective in the diagnostic process in their work with children with chronic neurological disorders. The tests described have been standardized by the author and cover the essentials of developmental examination: history--including parents' views of their child's development;...
This practical guide is for primary-care doctors and health visitors involved in the detection of developmental problems in children whose parents are...