Air Quality Assessment is an integral component of any environmental management process. It involves not only the identification, monitoring, prediction and evaluation of such critical variables as source emissions and meteorogical conditions, but also potential changes to air quality as a result of emissions from a development and the mitigation and control of these emissions. This work describes the techniques available for an AQA while detailing the concepts and methodologies involved. It reviews: the principles of air quality management; primary sources of air pollution; impact of...
Air Quality Assessment is an integral component of any environmental management process. It involves not only the identification, monitoring, predicti...
Coming from the people who brought you Clay's Handbook of Environmental Health, the Dictionary of Environmental Health will provide a one stop reference to over 3,000 common, and not so common terms, concepts, abbreviations, acronyms and a wealth of supporting data no longer found in most reference books. Suitable for all environmental and public health students and practitioners, the Dictionary of Environmental Health is an essential desktop tool for navigating the huge range of topics for which knowledge is required in today's management of environmental and...
Coming from the people who brought you Clay's Handbook of Environmental Health, the Dictionary of Environmental Health will provide ...
There are approximately 50,000 small water supplies in the UK alone, and thousands more Worldwide. Dealing with idiosyncratic characteristics of small water supplies requires specialist knowledge. Small Water Supplies: A Practical Guide provides invaluable guidance for their appropriate management. This book covers how small, independent supplies differ from public water supplies, and the health dangers they pose, along with water sampling and risk assessment. An explanation of different types of supplies including their construction and treatment systems, as well as common problems...
There are approximately 50,000 small water supplies in the UK alone, and thousands more Worldwide. Dealing with idiosyncratic characteristics of small...
This work is a response to the widely held view that faculty professional service is not as well rewarded as teaching and research in academic communities. Complaints about the promotion and tenure system have led many institutions to mend their process, often by expanding the definition of scholarship used in promotion. This book examines organizational change in a number of colleges and universities where promotion policies were expanded to include a broader definition of scholarship. The book focuses specifically on the assessment of service as scholarship for promotion and tenure.
This work is a response to the widely held view that faculty professional service is not as well rewarded as teaching and research in academic communi...