Volume One of Classics of Buddhism and Zen contains teachings predominantly from the Chinese Zen (Chan) tradition, including the writings of revered Chinese masters such as Pai-chang, founder of the Chan monastic tradition; Huang-po, one of the forefathers of the Lin-chi-tsung or Rinzai school; Foyan, the great master of the twelfth-century Chinese Zen -renaissance-; and many others.
The volume includes: Zen Lessons: The Art of Leadership This guide to enlightened conduct for people in positions of authority is based on the teachings of several great Zen...
Volume One of Classics of Buddhism and Zen contains teachings predominantly from the Chinese Zen (Chan) tradition, including the writings of r...
Volume Three of Classics of Buddhism and Zen contains translations of works by the key figures of Zen, including the Japanese master Dogen; Chinul, the twelfth-century Korean master; and Hakuin, founder of the Rinzai school. Also included are selections from the Prajnaparamita, or -Perfection of Wisdom- sutras, a key source of the Zen tradition.
The volume includes: The Sutra of Hui-neng: Grand Master of Zen Hui-neng was the sixth patriarch of Chinese Zen. His teachings are characterized by their striking immediacy and by their concern with direct...
Volume Three of Classics of Buddhism and Zen contains translations of works by the key figures of Zen, including the Japanese master Dogen; Ch...
Volume Five of Classics of Buddhism and Zen represents the broad spectrum of Cleary's interest in Buddhism--from Buddhist yoga and the Chinese Buddhist perspective on the I Ching to the most basic and universally loved of the Buddhist sutras, the Dhammapada.
The volume includes: Dhammapada: The Sayings of Buddha The famous collection of 423 verses of Buddhist wisdom that has been profoundly influential in every Buddhist school. The Buddhist I Ching The translation included in this volume is the only full-length interpretation...
Volume Five of Classics of Buddhism and Zen represents the broad spectrum of Cleary's interest in Buddhism--from Buddhist yoga and the Chinese...