Einstein's equations stem from General Relativity. In the context of Riemannian manifolds, an independent mathematical theory has developed around them. Recently, it has produced several striking results, which have been of great interest also to physicists. This Ergebnisse volume is the first book which presents an up-to-date overview of the state of the art in this field. "Einstein Manifold"s is a successful attempt to organize the abundant literature, with emphasis on examples. Parts of it can be used separately as introduction to modern Riemannian geometry through topics like...
Einstein's equations stem from General Relativity. In the context of Riemannian manifolds, an independent mathematical theory has developed around ...
From the reviews "These books (Introduction to Calculus and Analysis Vol. I/II) are very well written. The mathematics are rigorous but the many examples that are given and the applications that are treated make the books extremely readable and the arguments easy to understand. These books are ideally suited for an undergraduate calculus course. Each chapter is followed by a number of interesting exercises. More difficult parts are marked with an asterisk. There are many illuminating figures...Of interest to students, mathematicians, scientists and engineers. Even more than...
From the reviews "These books (Introduction to Calculus and Analysis Vol. I/II) are very well written. The mathematics are rigorous but the man...
This book offers a well-organized, easy-to-follow introduction to combinatorial theory, with examples, notes and exercises. ." . . a very good introduction to combinatorics. This book can warmly be recommended first of all to students interested in combinatorics." Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen
This book offers a well-organized, easy-to-follow introduction to combinatorial theory, with examples, notes and exercises. ." . . a very good intr...
Springer-Verlag began publishing books in higher mathematics in 1920, when the series "Grundlehren der mathematischen " "Wissenschaften," initially conceived as a series of advanced textbooks, was founded by Richard Courant. A few years later a new series "Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer " "Grenzgebiete," survey reports of recent mathematical research, was added. Of over 400 books published in these series, many have become recognized classics and remain standard references for their subject. Springer is reissuing a selected few of these highly successful books in a new, inexpensive...
Springer-Verlag began publishing books in higher mathematics in 1920, when the series "Grundlehren der mathematischen " "Wissenschaften," initially co...
Function Theory in the Unit Ball of Cn. From the reviews: " The book is easy on the reader. The prerequisites are minimal just the standard graduate introduction to real analysis, complex analysis (one variable), and functional analysis. This presentation is unhurried and the author does most of the work. certainly a valuable reference book, and (even though there are no exercises) could be used as a text in advanced courses." R. Rochberg in Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society.
" an excellent introduction to one of the most active research...
Function Theory in the Unit Ball of Cn. From the reviews: " The book is easy on the reader. The prerequisites are minimal just the stand...
From the reviews: "Such a vast amount of information as this book contains can only be accomplished in 375 pages by a very economical style of writing... it enables one to have a good look at the forest without being too detracted by the individual trees... The author deserves unstinting praise for the skill, energy, and perseverance which he devoted to this work. The finished product confirms what his many ear- lier contributions to the subject of finite geometry have already indicated, namely, that he is an undisputed leader in his field." Mathematical Reviews
From the reviews: "Such a vast amount of information as this book contains can only be accomplished in 375 pages by a very economical style of writing...
Springer is reissuing a selected few highly successful books in a new, inexpensive softcover edition to make them easily accessible to younger generations of students and researchers. Springer-Verlag began publishing books in higher mathematics in 1920. This is a reprint of the Second Edition.
Springer is reissuing a selected few highly successful books in a new, inexpensive softcover edition to make them easily accessible to younger gene...
The present book represents to a large extent the translation of the German "Vorlesungen uber Himmelsmechanik" by C. L. Siegel. The demand for a new edition and for an English translation gave rise to the present volume which, however, goes beyond a mere translation. To take account of recent work in this field a number of sections have been added, especially in the third chapter which deals with the stability theory. Still, it has not been attempted to give a complete presentation of the subject, and the basic prganization of Siegel's original book has not been altered. The emphasis lies in...
The present book represents to a large extent the translation of the German "Vorlesungen uber Himmelsmechanik" by C. L. Siegel. The demand for a new e...
"This book is an excellent presentation of the application of martingale theory to the theory of Markov processes, especially multidimensional diffusions. This approach was initiated by Stroock and Varadhan in their famous papers. (...) The proofs and techniques are presented in such a way that an adaptation in other contexts can be easily done. (...) The reader must be familiar with standard probability theory and measure theory which are summarized at the beginning of the book. This monograph can be recommended to graduate students and research workers but also to all interested in Markov...
"This book is an excellent presentation of the application of martingale theory to the theory of Markov processes, especially multidimensional diffusi...