S. Agmon: On eigenvalues, eigenfunctions, and resolvents of general elliptic problems.- A. Ostrowski: Il metodo del quoziente di Rayleigh.- L.E. Payne: Isoperimetric inequalities for eigenvalues and their applications.- L. De Vito: Calcolo degli autovalori e delle autosoluzioni per operatori non autoaggiunti.- L. De Vito: Sul calcolo per difetto e per eccesso degli autovalori delle trasformazioni compatte e delle relative molteplicita.- J.B. Diaz: Upper and lower bounds for the torsional rigidity and the capacity, derived from the inequality of Schwarz.- M. Schiffer: Fredholm eigenvalues and...
S. Agmon: On eigenvalues, eigenfunctions, and resolvents of general elliptic problems.- A. Ostrowski: Il metodo del quoziente di Rayleigh.- L.E. Payne...
J. Cerf: Invariants des paires despaces. Applications a la topologie differentielle.- A. Hafliger: Varietes feuilletees.- M.A. Kervaire: La methode de Pontryagin pour la classification des applications sur une sphere.- S. Smale: Stable manifolds for differential equations and diffeomorphisms."
J. Cerf: Invariants des paires despaces. Applications a la topologie differentielle.- A. Hafliger: Varietes feuilletees.- M.A. Kervaire: La methode de...
G. Toraldo di Francia: Premessa.-C.M. Angulo: A discontinuity problem on surface waves: The excitation of a grounded dieletric slab by a waveguide.- C.J. Bouwkamp: Notes on the conference.- H. Bremmer: Electromagnetic wave propagation around the earth.- L.B. Felsen: Asymptotic evaluation of integrals.- L.B. Felsen: Alternative Green's function representations for a grounded dielectric slab.- G. Gerosa: Propagation of electromagnetic waves in rectangular guides loaded with magnetized ferrite.- D. Graffi: Sulle condizioni al contorno approssimate nellelettromagnetismo.- M.A. Miller, V.I....
G. Toraldo di Francia: Premessa.-C.M. Angulo: A discontinuity problem on surface waves: The excitation of a grounded dieletric slab by a waveguide.- C...
R.C. Bose: Graphs and designs.- R.H. Bruck: Construction problems in finite projective spaces.- R.H.F. Denniston: Packings of PG(3, q).- J. Doyen: Recent results on Steiner triple systems.- H. Luneburg: Gruppen und endliche projektive Ebenen.- J.A. Thas: 4-gonal configurations.- H.P. Young: Affine triple systems.
R.C. Bose: Graphs and designs.- R.H. Bruck: Construction problems in finite projective spaces.- R.H.F. Denniston: Packings of PG(3, q).- J. Doyen: Rec...
Lectures: B. Malgrange: Operatori differenziali.- J. Mikusinski: Une introduction elementaire a la theorie des distributions de plusieurs variables.- L. Schwartz: I. Trasformata di Fourier delle distribuzioni; II. Spazi di Hilbert e nuclei associati.- Seminars: J.B. Diaz: Solutions of the singular Cauchy problem for a singular system of partial differential equations in the mathematical theory of dynamical elasticity.- J. Gobert: Un cas critique du probleme de Dirichlet-Neumann.- J.L. Lions: Espaces dinterpolation. Espaces de moyenne.- J. Sebastiao e Silva: Sur laxiomatique des distributions...
Lectures: B. Malgrange: Operatori differenziali.- J. Mikusinski: Une introduction elementaire a la theorie des distributions de plusieurs variables.- ...
H. Busemann: The synthetic approach to Finsler spaces in the large.- E.T. Davies: Vedute generali sugli spazi variazionali.- D. Laugwitz: Geometrical methods in the differential geometry of Finsler spaces.- V.V. Wagner: Geometria del calcolo delle variazioni.
H. Busemann: The synthetic approach to Finsler spaces in the large.- E.T. Davies: Vedute generali sugli spazi variazionali.- D. Laugwitz: Geometrical ...
G. Bottaro: Quelques resultats d'analyse spectrale pour des operateurs differentiels a coefficients constants sur des domaines non bornes.- L. Garding: Eigenfuction expansions.- C. Goulaouic: Valeurs propres de problemes aux limites irreguliers: applications.- G. Grubb: Essential spectra of elliptic systems on compact manifolds.- J.Cl. Guillot: Quelques resultats recents en Scattering.- N. Schechter: Theory of perturbations of partial differential operators.- C.H. Wilcox: Spectral analysis of the Laplacian with a discontinuous coefficient.
G. Bottaro: Quelques resultats d'analyse spectrale pour des operateurs differentiels a coefficients constants sur des domaines non bornes.- L. Garding...
G. De Rham: La theorie des formes differentiielles exterieures et lhomologie des varietes differentiablles.- G. Fichera: Teoria assiomatica delle forme armoniche.- W.V.D. Hodge: Differential forms in algebraic geometry.- D.B. Scott: Correspondences between algebraic surfaces.- P.Dolbeault: Sur le groupe de cohomologie entiere de dimension dune variete analytique complexe.- E. Kahler: Der innere Differentialkalkul."
G. De Rham: La theorie des formes differentiielles exterieures et lhomologie des varietes differentiablles.- G. Fichera: Teoria assiomatica delle form...
Lectures: P.R. Halmos: Entropy in ergodic theory.- E. Hopf: Some topics of ergodic theory.- J.L. Massera: Les equations differentielles lineaires dans les espaces de Banach.- Seminars: L. Amerio: Funzioni quasi-periodiche astratte e problemi di propagazione.- L. Markus: Sistemi dinamici con stabilita strutturale.- G. Prodi: Teoremi erodici per le equazioni di idrodinamica.- A.N. Feldzamen: The Alexandra Ionescu-Tulcea proof of McMillans theorem."
Lectures: P.R. Halmos: Entropy in ergodic theory.- E. Hopf: Some topics of ergodic theory.- J.L. Massera: Les equations differentielles lineaires dans...
R. Baer: Complementation in finite gropus.- M. Lazard: Groupes, anneaux de Lie et probleme de Burnside.- J. Tits: Sur les groupes algebriques afffines. Theoremes fondamentaux de structure. Classification des groupes semisimples et geometries associees.
R. Baer: Complementation in finite gropus.- M. Lazard: Groupes, anneaux de Lie et probleme de Burnside.- J. Tits: Sur les groupes algebriques afffines...