Using simple language that beginning readers can understand, this lively, inspiring, and believable biography looks at the childhood of Davy Crockett, who grew up to become a pioneer, statesman, and hero.
Using simple language that beginning readers can understand, this lively, inspiring, and believable biography looks at the childhood of Davy Crockett,...
Using simple language that beginning readers can understand, this lively, inspiring, and believable biography looks at the childhood of inventor Thomas Edison.
Using simple language that beginning readers can understand, this lively, inspiring, and believable biography looks at the childhood of inventor Thoma...
All children know who Albert Einstein grew up to be--but what was he like as a child? The clear text in this book is enhanced by illustrations and paintings, documents and photographs from the Smithsonian and the National Gallery.
All children know who Albert Einstein grew up to be--but what was he like as a child? The clear text in this book is enhanced by illustrations and pai...
Using simple language that beginning readers can understand, this lively, inspiring, and believable biography looks at the childhood of Benjamin Franklin, as he embarked his adventures as a young printer.
Using simple language that beginning readers can understand, this lively, inspiring, and believable biography looks at the childhood of Benjamin Frank...
Using simple language that beginning readers can understand, this lively, inspiring, and believable biography looks at the triumphant childhood of Helen Keller.
Using simple language that beginning readers can understand, this lively, inspiring, and believable biography looks at the triumphant childhood of Hel...
Using simple language that beginning readers can understand, this lively, inspiring, and believable biography looks at the childhood of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Using simple language that beginning readers can understand, this lively, inspiring, and believable biography looks at the childhood of Martin Luther ...
One of the most popular series ever published for young Americans, these classics of childhood have been praised alike by parents, teachers, and librarians. These lively, inspiring, believing biographies sweep today's young readers right into history.
One of the most popular series ever published for young Americans, these classics of childhood have been praised alike by parents, teachers, and libra...
Using simple language that beginning readers can understand, this lively, inspiring, and believable biography looks at the childhood of Betsy Ross, who grew up to sew the first American flag.
Using simple language that beginning readers can understand, this lively, inspiring, and believable biography looks at the childhood of Betsy Ross, wh...
One of the most popular series ever published for young Americans, these classics have been praised alike by parents, teachers, and librarians. With these lively inspiring fictionalized biographies--easily read by children of eight and up--today's youngster is swept right into history.
One of the most popular series ever published for young Americans, these classics have been praised alike by parents, teachers, and librarians. With t...
Using simple language that beginning readers can understand, this lively, inspiring, and believable biography looks at the childhood of Martha Washington.
Using simple language that beginning readers can understand, this lively, inspiring, and believable biography looks at the childhood of Martha Washing...