The time has come. China, one half of a powerful street criminal duo with her lover and partner Smooth... is a free woman. Once released from jail it's only a matter of time before she authorizes a series of moves which lead to her regaining her position as top B-I-T-C-H. Her homecoming doesn't play out without a rough patch however. Her 'other half' Smooth was deceived while China was on the inside. Led astray, and now... is beside himself with dark thoughts. Thoughts that are also intertwined with deep feelings of rage and vengeance.
China knows he is no good to her in...
The time has come. China, one half of a powerful street criminal duo with her lover and partner Smooth... is a free woman. Once released from jail ...
Streetwise gangster Smooth normally has all of his bases covered. But a breach within his organization hints that he might be losing his touch. The traitors' actions result in Smooth being arrested and tossed in the Federal Pen. Leaving his lover and partner in crime China all alone. She tried to coax him into going straight. Maybe he should've listened? But the worst is yet to come. Without Smooth in the picture his rivals now see an opening. One that begins and ends with eliminating China. However her biggest threat may come from a completely unexpected source. A threat so deceptive and...
Streetwise gangster Smooth normally has all of his bases covered. But a breach within his organization hints that he might be losing his touch. The...