Set in the not-so-distant future, where the government controls society through indoctrination, population control, and the eradication of the family, Liberty bides her time in Aldonia's Re-Education facility. If she fails to escape and rescue the others, the children, teens and adults of the Maxwell Colony will be integrated into society, facing sterilization and indoctrination.
She is not alone in the desire to rescue the colonists. An underground, anti-government group has been rescuing people from Aldonia for years, but never have they attempted to rescue so many at one time. To...
Set in the not-so-distant future, where the government controls society through indoctrination, population control, and the eradication of the fami...
Set in the not-so-distant future, CHASING LIBERTY is a dystopian story about Liberty, a young woman, in a society where faith, family, and freedom do not exist. The all-controlling government has elevated the earth above man. Science ensures that every baby born is healthy. The government ensures that every baby born is needed. All are cared for, taught, and given a specific duty to perform, their unique contribution to society. Liberty is slated to be a Breeder.
Preceding her dreaded vocation, Liberty finds fulfillment caring for seniors in the retirement facility and has grown...
Set in the not-so-distant future, CHASING LIBERTY is a dystopian story about Liberty, a young woman, in a society where faith, family, and freedom ...