This book provides comprehensive information on the materials excavated at Pech de l'Aze IV, both by the original excavator Francois Bordes in the 1970s, and more recently by the authors and their scientific team. Applying a range of new excavation and analytical techniques, it presents detailed material on the formation of the site, its chronology and the nature of the hominin occupations. Pech de l'Aze IV is part of a complex of Lower and Middle Paleolithic cave sites in the Dordogne Valley of southwestern France. Although this region has been well known for its rich concentration of...
This book provides comprehensive information on the materials excavated at Pech de l'Aze IV, both by the original excavator Francois Bordes in the 197...
The focus of this book is on the more than 2000 caves of the Greenbrier Valley of West Virginia of which the 14 with lengths greater than 10 km have an aggregate length of 639 km.
The focus of this book is on the more than 2000 caves of the Greenbrier Valley of West Virginia of which the 14 with lengths greater than 10 km have a...
This book discusses the geology, hydrogeology, and water quality/geochemistry of karst systems in geologically young terrain, using the state of Florida as an example.
This book discusses the geology, hydrogeology, and water quality/geochemistry of karst systems in geologically young terrain, using the state of Flori...