In this latest installment of the Cat in the Hat's Learning Library, the Cat introduces beginning readers to all kinds of sharks From the smallest (the dwarf lantern) to the largest (the whale shark), the most notorius (the great white) to the most obscure (the goblin), the Cat explains why sharks have lots of teeth but no bones; how their tough skin helps them swim fast and stay clean (inspiring scientists--and bathing suit manufacturers ); how pores along the sides of their bodies help them sense prey; that they have more to fear from us than we do from them, and much, much more Perfect...
In this latest installment of the Cat in the Hat's Learning Library, the Cat introduces beginning readers to all kinds of sharks From the smallest (t...
The Cat in the Hat, Sally, and Dick visit with nocturnal animals and learn about their special adaptations for surviving in the dark Along with Thing One and Thing Two, the gang meet a host of common critters (among them raccoons, owls, and bats), as well as more exotic creatures (including aye-ayes, sidewinders, and kiwi birds), all of whom are active during the night and sleep during the day. Beginning readers will learn how eye shine makes some animals' eyes glow in the dark, how bats can "see" in the dark using high-pitched squeaks, and much, much more Ideal for supporting the Common...
The Cat in the Hat, Sally, and Dick visit with nocturnal animals and learn about their special adaptations for surviving in the dark Along with Thing...
The Cat in the Hat looks at how we vote, why we vote, and who we vote for in a rhyming book that's perfect for President's Day reading In simple rhyme, the Cat in the Hat introduces early readers to the concept and practice of voting--with a focus on the American presidency Learn the basic principles of democracy, how political parties are formed, why Election Day is held in early November, and much, much more An ideal choice for reading and talking about elections (whether for a classroom pet or the leader of the free world), this is also perfect for supporting the...
The Cat in the Hat looks at how we vote, why we vote, and who we vote for in a rhyming book that's perfect for President's Day reading ...