English teacher Jessica Harmon and one of her students, seventeen-year-old Riley Jenkins, hide in a classroom closet while a gunman rampages through their high school. They're the only people in the room because it was Jessica's planning period, and Riley stopped by with concerns about a debate assignment. When the gunman finds them in the closet, they figure they're as good as dead. Except Jessica and Riley survive, without injury, their harrowing, surreal conversation with the gunman. Their shared trauma and their guilt from failing to stop the gunman haunt Jessica and Riley and bring them...
English teacher Jessica Harmon and one of her students, seventeen-year-old Riley Jenkins, hide in a classroom closet while a gunman rampages through t...
BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR YOU MIGHT FIND IT Another Mia Kensington mystery thriller adventure The wife of a renowned anthropologist, is drawn into the disappearance of the famous Dr. Whitehead who was to announce the discovery of a lifetime and then is murdered on board their cruise ship. When a mysterious illness creeps through the passengers, Mia abandons the cruise ship with her husband seeking a supposed sanctuary and instead is delivered back into a world of unbelievable horror. A gripping novel of suspense, intrigue, twists and turns that you won't be able to put down. A...
BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR YOU MIGHT FIND IT Another Mia Kensington mystery thriller adventure The wife of a renowned anthropologist, is drawn...
Son relatos de experiencias, compartidas unas, imaginadas otras, y acaso alguna que otra historia vivida desde la cercania. Y sin embargo, he querido ajustarme siempre a la mas estricta realidad, es decir, que son o pueden ser autenticas, verdaderas, y querria tambien que fuera un grito de atencion a este tiempo que nos llena de incertidumbres, de muchas inquietudes y algun dato esperanzador. No es un testimonio a loa contra, solo quiere ser notario de las cosas que nos pasan de manera casi rutinaria. Como la vida misma."
Son relatos de experiencias, compartidas unas, imaginadas otras, y acaso alguna que otra historia vivida desde la cercania. Y sin embargo, he querido ...
An innovative investigation of 'missing' grammatical forms and their significance for linguistic theory. This accessible introduction to inflectional defectiveness draws on both formal and psycholinguistic perspectives to explore the structure of inflectional paradigms: the text's novel approach makes it essential reading for graduate students and researchers in linguistics.
An innovative investigation of 'missing' grammatical forms and their significance for linguistic theory. This accessible introduction to inflectional ...