International forums have identified the need for comprehensive, transparent, scientific methods, for the pre-release testing and post-release monitoring of transgenic plants to ensure environmental safety. There is also wide recognition that the regulatory and scientific capacity for conducting these types of assessments needs to be strengthened.
In response to these requirements, a GMO Guidelines Project was established - under the aegis of the International Organization for Biological Control - to develop biosafety testing guidelines for transgenic plants. This book is one of...
International forums have identified the need for comprehensive, transparent, scientific methods, for the pre-release testing and post-release monitor...
The floral industry represents a significant proportion of agricultural income in several developed countries, particularly the USA, the Netherlands and Japan. Hitherto, the sheer diversity of flower seeds, in their form, function and biology, has hindered the production of a comprehensive treatment of the topic.
This book provides a unique and much-needed resource of information on the biology and technology of flower seeds. It presents in-depth information on the history and evolution of the ornamental and wild flower seed industries followed by recommendations for successful...
The floral industry represents a significant proportion of agricultural income in several developed countries, particularly the USA, the Netherlands a...
Genomics has experienced a dramatic development during the last 15-20 years. Data from mammalian genomes such as the human, mouse and rat have already been published, while others such as the dog, cattle and chimpanzee will soon follow. This book summarizes the current knowledge of mammalian genomics and offers a comparative analysis of genomes known today. This analysis includes farm, companion and lab animals. Topics covered include structural and functional aspects of the mammalian genome, mechanisms of genomic changes at the molecular level, evolution of DNA sequences, comparative...
Genomics has experienced a dramatic development during the last 15-20 years. Data from mammalian genomes such as the human, mouse and rat have already...
This book studies land use change in tropical landscapes, with particular emphasis on the economic processes that influence rates of land degradation and forest clearing. Multidisciplinary contributions draw lessons from a rich, decade-long collection of economic, social and environmental data on the Manupali upland watershed in the southern Philippines. Through this detailed case study the book documents forces leading to land use changes, in particular the potential impacts of institutional evolution and policy reforms, and highlights interrelationships between biological, economic, and...
This book studies land use change in tropical landscapes, with particular emphasis on the economic processes that influence rates of land degradation ...
This book is the product of a six-year multi-disciplinary collaborative research program in sustainable agriculture and natural resource management. It describes the transition of the conflict-ridden agricultural and pastoral systems of arid and semi-arid regions of West Africa to more intensified agricultural and animal husbandry systems. The research investigates technological options and decision tools and explores a replicable methodology for building social capital within a rural community in the Inland Delta of the Niger River.
The chapters recount the efforts of researchers...
This book is the product of a six-year multi-disciplinary collaborative research program in sustainable agriculture and natural resource management. I...
Why can Asia now feed its rapidly growing population, but Africa continues to experience famine? This book is the outcome of a three-year project coordinated by a group of Swedish researchers with collaborating scholars from Africa and Asia. It provides a comparative study between Asian agricultural development during the Green Revolution in food production and the current problematic agricultural situation in sub-Saharan Africa. Based on case studies of eight African and eight Asian countries (focusing on the early part of the Green Revolution), this book presents a causal and explanatory...
Why can Asia now feed its rapidly growing population, but Africa continues to experience famine? This book is the outcome of a three-year project coor...
A comprehensive manual of phytobacteriology, this work is heavily illustrated with over 200 colour photographs and line illustrations. It begins by outlining the history and science of bacteriology and gives an overview of the diversity and versatility of complex bacteria. It then explains the characterization, identification and naming of complex bacteria, and explores how bacteria can cause disease and how plants react to such disease. The book also discusses the economic importance of bacterial diseases as well as strategies for their control and the reduction of crop losses. It concludes...
A comprehensive manual of phytobacteriology, this work is heavily illustrated with over 200 colour photographs and line illustrations. It begins by ou...
Toxocara is a parasitic helminth worm which continues to stimulate both public concern and scientific interest. Toxocara canis and T.cati, the most studied species, are gastrointestinal parasites of dogs and cats and their eggs can contaminate the environment, thus exposing humans and other mammals and birds to infection. Many questions remain unanswered about the host-parasite relationship, its epidemiology and public health significance. Veterinarians and clinicians are interested in its importance as a zoonosis. The parasite's capacity to cause ocular disease is of concern to...
Toxocara is a parasitic helminth worm which continues to stimulate both public concern and scientific interest. Toxocara canis and T.cati
Written in an easily-accessible style, this book provides a practical introduction to all aspects of tropical turf management. General topics covered include climate adaptation, the physiology and morphology of turf-grasses, an overview of the different turf-grass species, soil characteristics and testing, establishment techniques, cultivation, nutrition and fertilization, mowing procedures, irrigation requirements, compaction and thatch, and turf pests. It also discusses golf-course maintenance including the different methods needed for the tee, the fairway, the putting green and the rough....
Written in an easily-accessible style, this book provides a practical introduction to all aspects of tropical turf management. General topics covered ...
Containing contributions from experts from the USA, Europe and New Zealand, this book provides an overview of the molecular mechanisms associated with flowering. The first edition was published in 1993 as The Molecular Biology of Flowering. The second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to cover the major advances that have been made in the area in the last 13 years. It has also been extended to examine the new commercial opportunities provided by biotechnology. It explores three main themes: the external and internal regulation of flowering, floral development, and...
Containing contributions from experts from the USA, Europe and New Zealand, this book provides an overview of the molecular mechanisms associated with...