Includes Stochastic processes and stochastic differential equations; Stochastic differential equations and applications; Theory of diffusion processes; Wave propagation and heat conduction in a random medium; A stochastic problem in Physics; and, The embedding problem for stochastic matrices.
Includes Stochastic processes and stochastic differential equations; Stochastic differential equations and applications; Theory of diffusion processes...
S. Homer: Admissible recursion theory.- B.E. Jacobs: Computational complexity and recursion theory.- D. Normann: A survey of set recursion.- G.E. Sacks: Priority arguments in Higgler recursion.- R.I. Soare: Construction in the recursively enumerable degrees.- W. Maass: Recursively invariant recursion theory.
S. Homer: Admissible recursion theory.- B.E. Jacobs: Computational complexity and recursion theory.- D. Normann: A survey of set recursion.- G.E. Sack...
Lectures: A. Jeffrey: Lectures on nonlinear wave propagation.- Y. Choquet-Bruhat: Ondes asymptotiques.- G. Boillat: Urti.- Seminars: D. Graffi: Sulla teoria dell'ottica non-lineare.- G. Grioli: Sulla propagazione del calore nei mezzi continui.- T. Manacorda: Onde nei solidi con vincoli interni.- T. Ruggeri: "Entropy principle" and main field for a non linear covariant system.- B. Straughan: Singular surfaces in dipolar materials and possible consequences for continuum mechanics
Lectures: A. Jeffrey: Lectures on nonlinear wave propagation.- Y. Choquet-Bruhat: Ondes asymptotiques.- G. Boillat: Urti.- Seminars: D. Graffi: Sulla ...
S. Albertoni: Alcuni metodi di calcolo nella teoria della diffusione dei neutroni.- I. Babuska: Optimization and numerical stability in computations.- J.H. Bramble: Error estimates in elliptic boundary value problems.- G. Capriz: The numerical approach to hydrodynamic problems.- A. Dou: Energy inequalities in an elastic cylinder.- T. Doupont: On the existence of an iterative method for the solution of elliptic difference equation with an improved work estimate.- J. Douglas, J.R. Cannon: The approximation of harmonic and parabolic functions of half-spaces from interior data.- B.E. Hubbard:...
S. Albertoni: Alcuni metodi di calcolo nella teoria della diffusione dei neutroni.- I. Babuska: Optimization and numerical stability in computations.-...
C. Agostinelli: Sul problema delle aurore boreali e il moto di un corpuscolo elettrizzato in presenza di un dipolo magnetico.- G. Colombo: Introduction to the theory of earth's motion about its center of mass.- E.M. Gaposchkin: The motion of the pole and the earth's elasticity as studied from the gravity field of the earth by means of artificial earth satellites.- I.I. Shapiro: Radar astronomy, general relativity, and celestial mechanics.- V. Szebehely: Applications of the restricted problem of three bodies in space research.- G.A. Wilkins: The analysis of the observation of the satellites of...
C. Agostinelli: Sul problema delle aurore boreali e il moto di un corpuscolo elettrizzato in presenza di un dipolo magnetico.- G. Colombo: Introductio...
Preface by B. de Finetti.- G.Th. Guilbaud: Les equilibres dans les modeles economiques.-H.W. Kuhn: Locational problems and mathematical programming.- M. Morishima: The multi-sectoral theory of economic growth.- B. Martos, J. Kornai: Experiments in Hungary with industry-wide and economy wide programming.- A. Prekopa: Probability distribution problems concerning stochastic programming problems.- R. Frisch: General principles and mathematical techniques of macroeconomic programming.
Preface by B. de Finetti.- G.Th. Guilbaud: Les equilibres dans les modeles economiques.-H.W. Kuhn: Locational problems and mathematical programming.- ...
Includes: B Coleman, M E Gurtin: Thermodynamics and wave propagation in Elastic and Viscoelastic media; L De Vito: Sui fondamenti della meccanica di sistemi continui (II); G Fichera: Problemi elastostatici con ambigue condizioni al contorno; G Grioli: Sistemi a trasformazioni reversibili; and, W Noll: the foundations of mechanics.
Includes: B Coleman, M E Gurtin: Thermodynamics and wave propagation in Elastic and Viscoelastic media; L De Vito: Sui fondamenti della meccanica di s...