Notification of co-riparian states of planned measures on shared watercourses has been widely accepted as an established principle of international water law, and is codified and elaborated in the United Nations Watercourses Convention. However, despite this wide acceptance, differences have arisen on operationalizing notification, including on which riparians are required to undertake notification, and which riparians are entitled to it. Issues have also arisen on how to deal with the different types of responses that may ensue following notification. The World Bank has been financing...
Notification of co-riparian states of planned measures on shared watercourses has been widely accepted as an established principle of international wa...
In Use of Experts in International Freshwater Disputes, Mbengue and Das offer a critical assessment of the involvement of experts in resolving international water disputes. International disputes related to freshwater are increasing in number and complexity. The rising complexity is necessarily accompanied and compounded by the involvement of experts in dispute resolution. This monograph examines, through a number of case studies, decided by international tribunals, the role and use (or absence) of experts in international freshwater disputes. Through this examination, the authors identify...
In Use of Experts in International Freshwater Disputes, Mbengue and Das offer a critical assessment of the involvement of experts in resolving interna...
In Data Innovations for Transboundary Freshwater Resources Management: Are Obligations Related to Information Exchange Still Needed?, Christina Leb discusses how technology innovations disrupt the conventional methods of data and information exchange and the potential impact this may have on international water law. Cross-border data and information exchange is one of the most challenging issues for transboundary water management. Only a small number of treaties include direct obligations related to mutual data and information exchange. Technological innovations related to real-time data...
In Data Innovations for Transboundary Freshwater Resources Management: Are Obligations Related to Information Exchange Still Needed?, Christina Leb di...
Protection of water infrastructure is fundamental to the protection of civilians during armed conflicts; they provide water for drinking, sanitation, agriculture and energy. Unfortunately, they suffer not only from incidental damages inherent in conflicts, but also from deliberate targeting and weaponization by the belligerent parties. In The Geneva List of Principles on the Protection of Water Infrastructure, Tignino and Irmakkesen provide a detailed overview of the rules and practice on the protection of water infrastructure during and after armed conflicts. This overview is presented in...
Protection of water infrastructure is fundamental to the protection of civilians during armed conflicts; they provide water for drinking, sanitation, ...
Implementing International Watercourses Law through the WEF Nexus and SDGs: An Integrated Approach Illustrated in the Zambezi River Basin offers an innovative approach to the governance of shared watercourses and the implementation of international water law through the Law, Nexus and Goals (LNG) approach. By looking at policy frameworks such as the WEF nexus and global development agendas such as the SDGs, the monograph provides a method of integration for holistic water governance. In order to demonstrate this approach, a case study of the Zambezi River Basin is used, through which the...
Implementing International Watercourses Law through the WEF Nexus and SDGs: An Integrated Approach Illustrated in the Zambezi River Basin offers an in...
The Ilisu Dam and its Impact on the Mesopotamian Marshes of Iraq: Implications for the Future Directions of International Water Law provides an overview of the existing legal regime of the Tigris Euphrates River Basin in the context of the ecological and socio-political effects of global climate change. Four other river basin systems; the Senegal, Rio Grande, Mekong, and Nile, are discussed for the purpose of illuminating overarching problems and possible solutions. In conclusion, future directions in the law of transboundary basins should be based on the collaboration of all affected states....
The Ilisu Dam and its Impact on the Mesopotamian Marshes of Iraq: Implications for the Future Directions of International Water Law provides an overvi...