Acclaimed creator Kaoru Mori's tale of life on the nineteenth-century Silk Road continues as Mr. Smith extends his journey. This time, he is welcomed into the home of a wealthy tradesman and his wife, Anis. Custom dictates that, as a woman, Anis is not permitted to meet their visitor face-to-face, but even so, she counts herself blessed to live in such a beautiful estate and be married to a man who devotes himself solely to her. Still, one cannot help but long for the companionship of another person when one's closest friend is a reluctant Persian cat. In her loneliness, Anis visits the...
Acclaimed creator Kaoru Mori's tale of life on the nineteenth-century Silk Road continues as Mr. Smith extends his journey. This time, he is welcomed ...
Acclaimed creator Kaoru Mori's tale of life on the nineteenth-century Silk Road continues. Pariya's budding romance with Umar is off to a rough start due to her brash personality and lack of confidence. But if she can't figure out how to say what she wants with words, then perhaps the old adage is true--the way to a man's heart is through his stomach Crafted in painstaking detail, Ms. Mori's pen breathes life into the scenery and architecture of the period in this heart-warming, slice-of-life tale that is at once wholly exotic, yet familiar and accessible through the everyday lives of the...
Acclaimed creator Kaoru Mori's tale of life on the nineteenth-century Silk Road continues. Pariya's budding romance with Umar is off to a rough start ...