This work focuses on basic concepts and recent advances in the fields of biomaterials and tissue engineering. It covers a broad spectrum of biomaterials processing and structural characteristics including discussions of biocomposites, bioglasses and issues concerning biocompatibility and tissue engineering. The text also gives the necessary theoretical background as well as a wide range of practical applications. The level and style make it accessible not only to scientific and medical researchers but also to graduate students.
This work focuses on basic concepts and recent advances in the fields of biomaterials and tissue engineering. It covers a broad spectrum of biomateria...
Biomedical devices that contact with blood or tissue represent a wide range of products. Depending on their potential harm to a body, medical devices are categorized according to the degree, so their safety can be assured. All biomaterials are by definition designed to contact with a body for a certain period of time. The nature of the body contact, as well as the duration a material contacts with the body may initiate unwanted biological In comparison with invasive devices Oike catheters and medical responses. implants contact directly with tissue or with the circulating blood) non- invasive...
Biomedical devices that contact with blood or tissue represent a wide range of products. Depending on their potential harm to a body, medical devices ...
Ithasbeenstatedthatourknowledgedoublesevery20years, butthatmaybe an understatement when considering the Life Sciences. A series of discoveries and inventions have propelled our knowledge from the recognition that DNA isthegeneticmaterialtoabasicmolecularunderstandingofourselvesandthe living world around us in less than 50 years. Crucial to this rapid progress was thediscoveryofthedouble-helicalstructureofDNA, whichlaidthefoundation forallhybridizationbasedtechnologies. Thediscoveriesofrestrictionenzymes, ligases, polymerases, combined with key innovations in DNA synthesis and sequencing...
Ithasbeenstatedthatourknowledgedoublesevery20years, butthatmaybe an understatement when considering the Life Sciences. A series of discoveries and inv...
This study introduces key developments in optical polarization methods for quantitative studies of tissues, while presenting the theory of polarization transfer in a random medium as a basis for the quantitative description of polarized light interaction with tissues.
This study introduces key developments in optical polarization methods for quantitative studies of tissues, while presenting the theory of polarizatio...
Dynamical systems theory in mathematical biology has attracted much attention from many scientific directions. The purpose of this volume is to present and discuss the many rich properties of the dynamical systems that appear in life science and medicine. The main topics include cancer treatment, dynamics of paroxysmal tachycardia, vector disease model, epidemic diseases and metapopulations, immune systems, pathogen competition and coexistence and the evolution of virulence and the rapid evolution of viruses within a host. Each chapter will serve to introduce students and scholars to the...
Dynamical systems theory in mathematical biology has attracted much attention from many scientific directions. The purpose of this volume is to pre...
This volume discusses the rich and interesting properties of dynamical systems that appear in ecology and environmental sciences. It provides a fascinating survey of the theory of dynamical systems in ecology and environmental science. Each chapter introduces students and scholars to the state-of-the-art in an exciting area, presents new results, and inspires future contributions to mathematical modeling in ecology and environmental sciences.
This volume discusses the rich and interesting properties of dynamical systems that appear in ecology and environmental sciences. It provides a fas...
The first book to bring together experts in epilepsy, bio-engineering and dynamical systems theory, to discuss the possibility of treating epilepsy by controlling mechanisms that cause seizures. It includes a unique reference database with more than 1000 references, including hard-to-access references in the Russian literature.
The first book to bring together experts in epilepsy, bio-engineering and dynamical systems theory, to discuss the possibility of treating epilepsy...
Photonics of biopolymers discusses the processes of energy transformation in photoexcited proteins, nucleic acids, membranes and model systems. The author addresses, among other topics: Light absorption, screening and reabsorption; photometric studies of protein; energy transfer mechanics; fluorescent probes; photomodulation of enzymes, and photoactiviation. Much of the information stems from the author's own wide experience in the field.
Photonics of biopolymers discusses the processes of energy transformation in photoexcited proteins, nucleic acids, membranes and model systems. Th...
An excellent survey of and introduction to new methods of biological imaging and sensing, particularly related to biomedical measurements and controls. The main topics discussed include: cell imaging, multiphoton microscopy for biomedical studies, molecular imaging, infrared imaging, biomedical magnetic imaging, and microscopy with laser-trapped particles. The book also deals with nanosurgery with light, the effects of ultrasound on tissue, diagnostics, near- and far-infrared transmission of biomedical information, and cell sensors. This book will be a valuable resource for both medical...
An excellent survey of and introduction to new methods of biological imaging and sensing, particularly related to biomedical measurements and contr...
This book presents the state-of-the-art in biomimetics, integrating a variety of application fields including biophysics, surface sciences, medicine and architecture. Covers materials and structures in nanotechnology and biomaterials research, and much more.
This book presents the state-of-the-art in biomimetics, integrating a variety of application fields including biophysics, surface sciences, medicine a...