This is a full bibliography of one of the most important campaigns of the American Civil War--the Maryland Campaign and the bloody Battle of Antietam. The battle, fought on September 17, 1862, claimed the war's largest single-day casualties--over 25,000 killed, wounded, or captured. The book begins with a history of the campaign and profiles of the important leaders, followed by library/archival resources. The body of the volume is devoted to resources covering the battle and its leaders, including general histories and biographies of various general officers.
This is a full bibliography of one of the most important campaigns of the American Civil War--the Maryland Campaign and the bloody Battle of Antiet...
From the first military uses of powered aircraft to the B-2 stealth bomber and beyond, an enormous body of data concerning the various flying machines used by American military forces has been assembled in repositories across the land. This is a comprehensive guide to the printed literature on the U.S. military's different airplanes and helicopters. Thousands of entries cover 525 fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft models, including prototypes. The published materials listed include books and monographs, periodical articles over one page long, and government documents.
From the first military uses of powered aircraft to the B-2 stealth bomber and beyond, an enormous body of data concerning the various flying machi...