The Restoration was a period surprisingly rich in fiction, and the period between 1660 and 1700 witnessed the decline of the epic and the birth of the English novel. Literature of the period became increasingly secular in response to advancements in science, philosophy, and exploration. With growing recognition of the power of print, literary works became increasingly targeted to the masses, rather than just to the educated members of the upper class. John Bunyan's classic tale of salvation, DEGREESIThe Pilgrim's Progress DEGREESR, became one of the most widely read works of the last few...
The Restoration was a period surprisingly rich in fiction, and the period between 1660 and 1700 witnessed the decline of the epic and the birth of ...
Few people have had as enduring an influence as Thomas More (1478-1535), who--along with Erasmus, with whom he corresponded--was the quintessential Renaissance Humanist. More had a deep understanding of the classics. He wrote poems in Latin and prepared Latin translations of Lucian's Greek dialogues. Like so many thinkers of his day, he had a strong interest in the philosophy of education. Trained as a lawyer, he was also a leading political figure of his time. He became a member of Parliament in 1504, speaker of the House of Commons in 1523, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in 1525,...
Few people have had as enduring an influence as Thomas More (1478-1535), who--along with Erasmus, with whom he corresponded--was the quintessential...