This monograph examines the place of chapters 3 and 4 in the larger argument of Hebrews, particularly the relationship of the people of God in Heb 3:7-4:13 to the surrounding discussion of the high priest. The connection between the great high priest and the people of God proved a central question for twentieth-century scholars, including Ernst Kasemann. The first chapter of this work examines previous attempts to explain the flow of the argument and revisits the proposal of J. Rendel Harris, who thought attention to the two Joshuas of the Hebrew Bible was the key to connecting Heb...
This monograph examines the place of chapters 3 and 4 in the larger argument of Hebrews, particularly the relationship of the people of God in Heb ...
Even a brief comparison with its canonical counterparts demonstrates that the Gospel of Luke is preoccupied with the power of spoken words; still, words alone do not make a language. Just as music without silence collapses into cacophony, so speech without silence signifies nothing: silences are the invisible, inaudible cement that hold the entire edifice together. Though scholars across diverse disciplines have analyzed silence in terms of its contexts, sources, and functions, these insights have barely begun to make inroads in biblical studies. Utilizing conceptual tools from narratology...
Even a brief comparison with its canonical counterparts demonstrates that the Gospel of Luke is preoccupied with the power of spoken words; still, ...
This monograph examines Hebrews understanding of the relationship between old covenant sacrifices and Christ s new covenant sacrifice, especially as it relates to the question of efficacy. Most scholars think the author of Hebrews strips the levitical sacrifices of most, if not all, efficacy, but this work affirms a more positive depiction of the levitical sacrifices. A mystical apocalyptic tradition stands behind Hebrews description of the heavenly cult, which establishes the framework for relating the levitical sacrifice to Christ s sacrifice. The earthly, levitical cult was efficacious...
This monograph examines Hebrews understanding of the relationship between old covenant sacrifices and Christ s new covenant sacrifice, especially as i...
This volume contains a comprehensive evaluation of the hypothesis that the Gospel of Mark has been influenced by the theology of the apostle Paul. It discusses the history of this view from the nineteenth century to the modern day, analyses possible historical connections between the apostle and the evangelist, and compares and contrasts many major theological themes in both the epistles and the Gospel. This important collection of essays will be of major significance in the growing debate over Pauline influence on the Gospel of Mark.
This volume contains a comprehensive evaluation of the hypothesis that the Gospel of Mark has been influenced by the theology of the apostle Paul. ...
Although Roman centurions appear at crucial stages in the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, the significance of the centurion's office for the development of Luke's story has not been adequately researched. To fill in that void, this study engages the relevant Greco-Roman and Jewish sources that reflect on the image of the Roman military and applies the findings to the analysis of the role of the Roman centurion in the narrative of Luke-Acts. It argues that contemporary evidence reveals a common perception of the Roman centurion as a principal representative of the Roman...
Although Roman centurions appear at crucial stages in the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, the significance of the centurion's office f...
This study proposes that both constitutively and rhetorically (through ironic, inferential, and indirect application), Ps 106(105) serves as the substructure for Paul's argumentation in Rom 1:18-2:11. Constitutively, Rom 1:18-32 hinges on the triadic interplay between "they (ex)changed" and "God gave them over," an interplay that creates a sin-retribution sequence with an a-ba-ba-b pattern. Both elements of this pattern derive from Ps 106(105):20, 41a respectively. Rhetorically, Paul ironically applies the psalmic language of idolatrous "(ex)change" and God's subsequent...
This study proposes that both constitutively and rhetorically (through ironic, inferential, and indirect application), Ps 106(105) serves as the su...
L'exegese historique soulignait l'abime theologique entre le kerygme paulinien et l'histoire du salut racontee par Luc. L'avenement des methodes synchroniques et la mise en question par la New Perspective du paulinisme de la recherche permirent de rendre justice au genie lucanien pour lui-meme. Le dossier des rapports theologiques entre les deux corpus merite toutefois d'etre rouvert: Luc n'integre-t-il Paul qu'au titre de figure identitaire dans les Actes, ou son recit global est-il travaille en profondeur par la theologie de l'apotre?
Apres avoir resume l'histoire de la question...
L'exegese historique soulignait l'abime theologique entre le kerygme paulinien et l'histoire du salut racontee par Luc. L'avenement des methodes sy...
In comparison to Mark and Luke, the First Gospel contains a striking preponderance of economic language in passages dealing with sin, righteousness, and divine recompense. For instance, sin is described as a debt, and righteous deeds are said to earn wages with God or treasure in heaven. This study analyzes Matthew s economic language against the backdrop of other early Jewish and Christian literature and examines its import for the narrative as a whole. Careful attention to this neglected aspect of Matthew s theology demonstrates that some of the Gospel s central claims about atonement,...
In comparison to Mark and Luke, the First Gospel contains a striking preponderance of economic language in passages dealing with sin, righteousness, a...
What is the place of the cross in the thought of the third evangelist? This book seeks to show the central significance of the death of Jesus for Luke's understanding of (1) how salvation is accomplished and (2) what it means for Jesus to be the messiah. Whereas previous authors have helpfully attended to individual motifs within Luke's account of the passion, this book takes more of a wide-angle approach to the topic, moving from the very first allusions to Jesus' rejection at the beginning of Luke's gospel all the way through to the retrospective references to Jesus' death that occur...
What is the place of the cross in the thought of the third evangelist? This book seeks to show the central significance of the death of Jesus for Luke...
In mehreren Episoden wird in der Apostelgeschichte von den konfliktreichen Begegnungen zwischen Paulus und den Volkern erzahlt. Diese Anlasse nutzt der Autor, um den theologischen Standpunkt seines Heidenapostels zu verdeutlichen. Nur welcher ist das? Eben dieser Frage geht dieses Buch vor dem Hintergrund der These nach, dass Lukas das Christentum als den gehorsamen Teil Israels versteht, der an die alttestamentliche Tradition gebunden ist.
In mehreren Episoden wird in der Apostelgeschichte von den konfliktreichen Begegnungen zwischen Paulus und den Volkern erzahlt. Diese Anlasse nutzt...