Die Aufsatze und Reden aus sieben oder acht Jahren, die nun als Samm lung vorgelegt werden, sind zu ihrer Zeit in unterschiedlichen Fachzeit schriften schon einmal veroffentlicht, einige auch in anderen Publikatio nen noch einmal gedruckt worden. Es sind, wenn man so will, Gelegenheitsarbeiten. Die Gelegenheit war aber immer nur der jeweils gesuchte und wahrgenommene AnlaB, mit eigenen Beitragen an der Architekturdiskussion dieser Tage teilzu nehmen. Ich bin kein Architekturtheoretiker, sondern Architekt, der sich uber die Grundlagen seines Tuns von Anbeginn Rechenschaft abzulegen ver sucht...
Die Aufsatze und Reden aus sieben oder acht Jahren, die nun als Samm lung vorgelegt werden, sind zu ihrer Zeit in unterschiedlichen Fachzeit schriften...
Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell
Not unjustly referred to as legendary, this series of books on the history and theory of architecture and urban development was founded in 1963 by Ulrich Conrads, who was joined by Peter Neitzke as a co-editor of the series in the early 1980s. Now numbering over 150 titles, it is the most comprehensive German-language book series covering these fields. Following the deaths of the two longtime editors Ulrich Conrads (2013) and Peter Neitzke (2015), a...
2016 New editorship
Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell
1 Stadte Hippocrate, Des airs, des eaux, des lieux, Paris 1787. (Wir haben die Fassung von M. Magnan zu Rate gezogen. ) 2 Die neueste Einfuhrung in die Geschichte der Hygiene im 18. Jahrhundert bringt die Sondernummer zu Le sain et Ie malsain O. Guillerme, Hg. ) der Zeitschrift "Dix huitieme siecle," 1977, Nr. 9; zum Thema Wasser vgl. B. Fortier, La maitrise de l'eau, a. a. O., S. 193-201; zum Thema Luft vgl. R. Etiin, I: air dans l'urbanisme des lumieres, a. a. O., S. 123-134 3 Encyclopedie, VII, 1765, S. 386 4 A. a. O., I, 1761, S. 236 5 S. Hales, A description of ventilators . . ., read...
1 Stadte Hippocrate, Des airs, des eaux, des lieux, Paris 1787. (Wir haben die Fassung von M. Magnan zu Rate gezogen. ) 2 Die neueste Einfuhrung in di...
Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell
Not unjustly referred to as legendary, this series of books on the history and theory of architecture and urban development was founded in 1963 by Ulrich Conrads, who was joined by Peter Neitzke as a co-editor of the series in the early 1980s. Now numbering over 150 titles, it is the most comprehensive German-language book series covering these fields. Following the deaths of the two longtime editors Ulrich Conrads (2013) and Peter Neitzke (2015), a...
2016 New editorship
Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell
Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell
Not unjustly referred to as legendary, this series of books on the history and theory of architecture and urban development was founded in 1963 by Ulrich Conrads, who was joined by Peter Neitzke as a co-editor of the series in the early 1980s. Now numbering over 150 titles, it is the most comprehensive German-language book series covering these fields. Following the deaths of the two longtime editors Ulrich Conrads (2013) and Peter Neitzke (2015), a...
2016 New editorship
Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell
Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell
Not unjustly referred to as legendary, this series of books on the history and theory of architecture and urban development was founded in 1963 by Ulrich Conrads, who was joined by Peter Neitzke as a co-editor of the series in the early 1980s. Now numbering over 150 titles, it is the most comprehensive German-language book series covering these fields. Following the deaths of the two longtime editors Ulrich Conrads (2013) and Peter Neitzke (2015), a...
2016 New editorship
Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell
Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell
Not unjustly referred to as legendary, this series of books on the history and theory of architecture and urban development was founded in 1963 by Ulrich Conrads, who was joined by Peter Neitzke as a co-editor of the series in the early 1980s. Now numbering over 150 titles, it is the most comprehensive German-language book series covering these fields. Following the deaths of the two longtime editors Ulrich Conrads (2013) and Peter Neitzke (2015), a...
2016 New editorship
Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell
Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell
Not unjustly referred to as legendary, this series of books on the history and theory of architecture and urban development was founded in 1963 by Ulrich Conrads, who was joined by Peter Neitzke as a co-editor of the series in the early 1980s. Now numbering over 150 titles, it is the most comprehensive German-language book series covering these fields. Following the deaths of the two longtime editors Ulrich Conrads (2013) and Peter Neitzke (2015), a...
2016 New editorship
Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell
Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell
Not unjustly referred to as legendary, this series of books on the history and theory of architecture and urban development was founded in 1963 by Ulrich Conrads, who was joined by Peter Neitzke as a co-editor of the series in the early 1980s. Now numbering over 150 titles, it is the most comprehensive German-language book series covering these fields. Following the deaths of the two longtime editors Ulrich Conrads (2013) and Peter Neitzke (2015), a...
2016 New editorship
Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell