This up-to-date reference describes how retinoids and carotenoids function in the skin and how they can be utilized to prevent and treat a wide variety of skin diseases, as well as advance biomedical research in relation to cancer treatment and immunology. Providing an in-depth update on the pharmacology, pharmacodynamics, and new applications of retinoid therapy, this source also addresses topics outside of dermatology, such as vitamin A nutrition, and the role of antioxidants in aging, metabolic activation, and cellular signaling. With chapters by internationally recognized authorities in...
This up-to-date reference describes how retinoids and carotenoids function in the skin and how they can be utilized to prevent and treat a wide variet...
Covering the entire array of photodermatological topics necessary to stand at the head of this burgeoning discipline, this source contains expertly written chapters that offer recommendations and guidelines from opinion-forming international authorities. Reviewing the entire range of photodermatoses, as well as the management, treatment, identification, and assessment of these conditions, this source includes discussions of narrow and broadband UVB, PUVA, photopheresis, UVA1 therapy, and photodynamic therapy, the principles and medical and cosmetic uses of lasers and similar...
Covering the entire array of photodermatological topics necessary to stand at the head of this burgeoning discipline, this source contains expertly...
For some organizations, Lessons Learned (LL) is an informal process of discussing and recording project experiences during the closure phase. For others, LL is a formal process that occurs at the end of each phase of a project. Regardless of when they are performed, if you are a project team member, chances are you will soon be required to present an evaluation of your project using Lessons Learned. Presenting new information that updates the award-winning first edition, The Basics of Project Evaluation and Lessons Learned, Second Edition supplies practical guidance on conducting...
For some organizations, Lessons Learned (LL) is an informal process of discussing and recording project experiences during the closure phase. For o...