In this action sequel to -A Prince of Mars- the iconic Princess Dejah Thoris is abducted after surviving a horrendous airship crash intended to take her life. In the adventure that ensues, her husband, the equally iconic John Carter, Prince Warlord of Barsoom, and her son the Prince Darus of Helium along with a cast of wonderful characters from the preceding novel including Darus wife, the warrior princess Zurah of Helium, set sail in flying warships to free Dejah Thoris and punish those who abducted her. Like the first book, this volume continues the firmly literary style and polished...
In this action sequel to -A Prince of Mars- the iconic Princess Dejah Thoris is abducted after surviving a horrendous airship crash intended to tak...
A Prince of Mars is an exciting tale of the planet Barsoom, which we call Mars, and the Virginia Cavalryman John Carter, his Martian wife, the Princess Dejah Thoris, the most beautiful woman on the planet, and their second son, Prince Darus of Helium. The noble prince attempts to settle a rebellion following a great civil war fought between Helium and the aggressor city-state of Zodanga. Zodanga loses but an army of Zodangan holdouts will not surrender and the battle goes on for thirty-five more years as the Zodangan rebels continue to fight a guerilla war against Helium. Prince Darus...
A Prince of Mars is an exciting tale of the planet Barsoom, which we call Mars, and the Virginia Cavalryman John Carter, his Martian wife, the Prin...