Novela de aventuras de fantasia epica y ficcion historica. Es el segundo tomo de la trilogia sobre la isla-continente Atlantis. Contiene, inserto en la trama, un ensayo, o quiza pequeno tratado, acerca de metodos holisticos de curacion. Sinopsis: El psicoanalisis ha evolucionado mucho desde Carl Gustav Jung y Sigmund Freud, unas veces en mala direccion y otras para bien de las personas tratadas, logrando curaciones de todo tipo de enfermedades. Brotan por el ancho mundo terapias que consideran a la persona humana como un todo armonico, para con esta vision holistica captar su verdadera...
Novela de aventuras de fantasia epica y ficcion historica. Es el segundo tomo de la trilogia sobre la isla-continente Atlantis. Contiene, inserto en l...
This is the first English edition of a novel that is little known outside Dutch literary circles, but is an interesting example of popular fiction and radical thought about science and society in its day - not only in the Netherlands, but throughout Western Europe. It formed a bridge between the rationalist seventeenth century and the Age of Enlightenment, and was also a lively story in itself. It was rather less than imaginary, moreover, being linked to seventeenth to seventeenth-century Dutch activities in Australia and the first real knowledge about the legendary southern continent. Among...
This is the first English edition of a novel that is little known outside Dutch literary circles, but is an interesting example of popular fiction and...