The?rsteditionofthistextappearedin1994.Shortlyafterthethirdprinting, our editor suggested that we attempt a second edition because new devel- mentsinstellarstructureandevolutionhadmadeouroriginalworkoutdated. We (the original authors, CJH and SDK) reluctantly agreed but with res- vations due to the e?ort involved. Our initial reluctance disappeared when we were able to convince (cajole, twist the arm of, etc.) our new coauth- colleague Virginia Trimble to join us. (Welcome Virginia ) We (i.e., all three of us) hope that you agree that the present edition is a great improvement compared to the...
The?rsteditionofthistextappearedin1994.Shortlyafterthethirdprinting, our editor suggested that we attempt a second edition because new devel- mentsins...
The theory, observations, and applications ofgravitational lensingconstitute one ofthe most rapidly growing branches ofextragalactic astrophysics. The deflection of light from very distant sources by intervening masses provides a unique possibility for the investigation of both background sources and lens mass distributions. Gravitational lensing manifestsitselfmost distinctly through multiply imaged QSOs and the formation of highly elongated im- ages of distant galaxies ('arcs') and spectacular ring-like images of extra- galactic radio sources. But the effects of gravitational light...
The theory, observations, and applications ofgravitational lensingconstitute one ofthe most rapidly growing branches ofextragalactic astrophysics. The...
The second edition of Solar System Astrophysics: Background Science and the Inner Solar System provides new insights into the burgeoning field of planetary astronomy. As in the first edition, this volume begins with a rigorous treatment of coordinate frames, basic positional astronomy, and the celestial mechanics of two and restricted three body system problems. Perturbations are treated in the same way, with clear step-by-step derivations. Then the Earth's gravitational potential field and the Earth-Moon system are discussed, and the exposition turns to radiation properties with a...
The second edition of Solar System Astrophysics: Background Science and the Inner Solar System provides new insights into the burgeoning fie...
The second edition of Solar System Astrophysics: Planetary Atmospheres and the Outer Solar System provides a timely update of our knowledge of planetary atmospheres and of the bodies of the outer solar system and their analogs in other planetary systems. This volume begins with an expanded treatment of the physics, chemistry, and meteorology of the atmospheres of the Earth, Venus, and Mars, moving on to their magnetospheres and then to a full discussion of the gas and ice giants and their properties. From here, attention switches to the small bodies of the solar system, beginning...
The second edition of Solar System Astrophysics: Planetary Atmospheres and the Outer Solar System provides a timely update of our knowledge ...
Understanding star formation is a key field in present-day astrophysics. This book treats a wide variety of physical processes involved, as well as the main observational discoveries. Key points are discussed in detail and present time star formation in our galaxy is emphasized.
Understanding star formation is a key field in present-day astrophysics. This book treats a wide variety of physical processes involved, as well as th...
Conceived more than six years ago, this book took much effort to develop, and several updates in parts of the book became necessary because significant ad- vances in the field of Interplanetary Dust had occurred. Now, at the beginning of the new millennium, this book provides up-to-date coverage of all major aspects of dust in the Solar System. The volume is conceived as a source book for researchers in the field as well as a graduate-level textbook. In order to achieve the highest standard the individual chapters are written by experts in the field, preserving the somewhat different style...
Conceived more than six years ago, this book took much effort to develop, and several updates in parts of the book became necessary because significan...
The term "chemical evolution of galaxies" refers to the evolution of abundances of chemical species in galaxies, which is due to nuclear processes occurring in stars and to gas flows into and out of galaxies.
This book deals with the chemical evolution of galaxies of all morphological types (ellipticals, spirals and irregulars) and stresses the importance of the star formation histories in determining the properties of stellar populations in different galaxies. The topic is approached in a didactical and logical manner via galaxy evolution models which are compared with...
The term "chemical evolution of galaxies" refers to the evolution of abundances of chemical species in galaxies, which is due to nuclear processes ...
Starburst regions in nearby and distant galaxies have a profound impact on our understanding of the early universe. This new, substantially updated and extended edition of Norbert Schulz's unique book "From Dust to Stars" describes complex physical processes involved in the creation and early evolution of stars. It illustrates how these processes reveal themselves from radio wavelengths to high energy X-rays and gamma-rays, with special reference towards high energy signatures. Several sections devoted to key analysis techniques demonstrate how modern research in this field is pursued and new...
Starburst regions in nearby and distant galaxies have a profound impact on our understanding of the early universe. This new, substantially updated an...
This volume is a reference source of fundamental formulae in physics and astrophysics. In contrast to most of the usual compendia it carefully explains the physical assumptions entering the formulae. All the important results of physical theories are covered: electrodynamics, hydrodynamics, general relativity, atomic and nuclear physics, and so on. Over 2100 formulae are included, and the original papers for the formulae are cited together with papers on modern applications in a bibliography of over 1900 entries. For this new edition, a chapter on space, time, matter and cosmology has been...
This volume is a reference source of fundamental formulae in physics and astrophysics. In contrast to most of the usual compendia it carefully explain...
A corrected reprint of the ?rst edition appeared in 2000. It was a requirement that the pagination remain unaltered, but nevertheless, apart from minor and format corrections on 17 pages, a number of corrections or additions of substance could be incorporated. These included minor corrections to Figs. 1. 3 b) and 2. 8 and to the text of Fig. 5. 18. The most important change of all was probably the complete revision of the historical treatment of Cassegrain in the Portrait Gallery, due to the superb research of Baranne and Launay on his identity, published in 1997. Additions of substance were...
A corrected reprint of the ?rst edition appeared in 2000. It was a requirement that the pagination remain unaltered, but nevertheless, apart from mino...