This book provides a significant step towards bridging the areas of Boolean satisfiability and constraint satisfaction by answering the question why SAT-solvers are efficient on certain classes of CSP instances which are hard to solve for standard constraint solvers. The author also gives theoretical reasons for choosing a particular SAT encoding for several important classes of CSP instances.
Boolean satisfiability and constraint satisfaction emerged independently as new fields of computer science, and different solving techniques have become standard for problem solving in the two...
This book provides a significant step towards bridging the areas of Boolean satisfiability and constraint satisfaction by answering the question wh...
This book explains the most prominent and some promising new, general techniques that combine metaheuristics with other optimization methods. A first introductory chapter reviews the basic principles of local search, prominent metaheuristics, and tree search, dynamic programming, mixed integer linear programming, and constraint programming for combinatorial optimization purposes. The chapters that follow present five generally applicable hybridization strategies, with exemplary case studies on selected problems: incomplete solution representations and decoders; problem instance reduction;...
This book explains the most prominent and some promising new, general techniques that combine metaheuristics with other optimization methods. A fir...
This book introduces a novel approach to discrete optimization, providing both theoretical insights and algorithmic developments that lead to improvements over state-of-the-art technology. The authors present chapters on the use of decision diagrams for combinatorial optimization and constraint programming, with attention to general-purpose solution methods as well as problem-specific techniques.
The book will be useful for researchers and practitioners in discrete optimization and constraint programming.
"Decision Diagrams for Optimization is one of the most exciting...
This book introduces a novel approach to discrete optimization, providing both theoretical insights and algorithmic developments that lead to impro...
This is the first comprehensive treatment of subjective logic and all its operations. The author developed the approach, and in this book he first explains subjective opinions, opinion representation, and decision-making under vagueness and uncertainty, and he then offers a full definition of subjective logic, harmonising the key notations and formalisms, concluding with chapters on trust networks and subjective Bayesian networks, which when combined form general subjective networks. The author shows how real-world situations can be realistically modelled with regard to how situations are...
This is the first comprehensive treatment of subjective logic and all its operations. The author developed the approach, and in this book he first ...
This book provides a significant step towards bridging the areas of Boolean satisfiability and constraint satisfaction by answering the question why SAT-solvers are efficient on certain classes of CSP instances which are hard to solve for standard constraint solvers.
This book provides a significant step towards bridging the areas of Boolean satisfiability and constraint satisfaction by answering the question why...
The author investigates how to produce realistic and workable ethical codes or regulations in this rapidly developing field to address the immediate and realistic longer-term issues facing us. She spells out the key ethical debates concisely, exposing all sides of the arguments, and addresses how codes of ethics or other regulations might feasibly be developed, looking for pitfalls and opportunities, drawing on lessons learned in other fields, and explaining key points of professional ethics.
The book provides a useful resource for those aiming to address the ethical challenges of AI...
The author investigates how to produce realistic and workable ethical codes or regulations in this rapidly developing field to address the immediat...
In this book the author argues that the basis of what we consider computer intelligence has algorithmic roots, and he presents this with a holistic view, showing examples and explaining approaches that encompass theoretical computer science and machine learning via engineered algorithmic solutions.
The book will be of value to researchers, practitioners, and students.
In this book the author argues that the basis of what we consider computer intelligence has algorithmic roots, and he presents this with a holistic...