"The central fact is that we are planning agents." (M. Bratman, Intentions, Plans, and Practical Reasoning, 1987, p. 2) Recent arguments to the contrary notwithstanding, it seems to be the case that people-the best exemplars of general intelligence that we have to date do a lot of planning. It is therefore not surprising that modeling the planning process has always been a central part of the Artificial Intelligence enterprise. Reasonable behavior in complex environments requires the ability to consider what actions one should take, in order to achieve (some of) what one wants and that, in a...
"The central fact is that we are planning agents." (M. Bratman, Intentions, Plans, and Practical Reasoning, 1987, p. 2) Recent arguments to the contra...
Active Vision explores important themes emerging from the active vision paradigm, which has only recently become an established area of machine vision. In four parts the contributions look in turn at tracking, control of vision heads, geometric and task planning, and architectures and applications, presenting research that marks a turning point for both the tasks and the processes of computer vision.The eighteen chapters in Active Vision draw on traditional work in computer vision over the last two decades, particularly in the use of concepts of geometrical modeling and optical flow;...
Active Vision explores important themes emerging from the active vision paradigm, which has only recently become an established area of machine vis...
When I first participated in exploring theories of nonmonotonic reasoning in the late 1970s, I had no idea of the wealth of conceptual and mathematical results that would emerge from those halting first steps. This book by Wiktor Marek and Miroslaw Truszczynski is an elegant treatment of a large body of these results. It provides the first comprehensive treatment of two influen tial nonmonotonic logics - autoepistemic and default logic - and describes a number of surprising and deep unifying relationships between them. It also relates them to various modal logics studied in the philosophical...
When I first participated in exploring theories of nonmonotonic reasoning in the late 1970s, I had no idea of the wealth of conceptual and mathematica...
Das Thema der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Problemstellung maschineller Erkennung gespro chener Sprache. Ein wichtiger Forschungszweig auf diesem Gebiet ist gegenwartig die Ent wicklung telefonischer Auskunftsdialogsysteme, die es einem Benutzer beispielsweise gestat ten, Zugverbindungsinformationen abzurufen, Platz-oder Hotelreservierungen vorzunehmen oder Bankgeschafte zu tatigen. Besondere Beachtung finden daher Verfahren zur sprecher unabhangigen Verarbeitung kontinuierlicher Ausserungen, die uber einen grossen Erkennungs wortschatz verfugen, aber den Losungsraum gleichzeitig durch...
Das Thema der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Problemstellung maschineller Erkennung gespro chener Sprache. Ein wichtiger Forschungszweig auf diesem Gebie...