Bischof Arbeo von Freising (ca. 763/764-783/784) verfate in der Vita Corbiniani die Lebensbeschreibung des heiligen Corbinian. Dieses fruhmittelalterliche Heiligenleben ist Gegenstand der vorliegenden historischen Analyse. Der Autor verfolgt die Wandlungen des Corbinian-Bildes von den Anfangen seiner Verehrung bis in die Forschungsgeschichte. Anschlieend entwickelt er aus der Vita Corbiniani mit Hilfe der formkritischen Methodik eine modifizierte Sicht der historischen Gestalt Corbinians und seiner Entwicklung zum Heiligen. Dabei wird auch eine neue Perspektive auf die bayerische...
Bischof Arbeo von Freising (ca. 763/764-783/784) verfate in der Vita Corbiniani die Lebensbeschreibung des heiligen Corbinian. Dieses fruhmittelalt...
Origen has been always studied as a theologian and too much credit has been given to Eusebius' implausible hagiography of him. This book explores who Origen really was, by pondering into his philosophical background, which determines his theological exposition implicitly, yet decisively. For this background to come to light, it took a ground-breaking exposition of Anaxagoras' philosophy and its legacy to Classical and Late Antiquity (Plato, Aristotle, Stoics, Origen, Neoplatonism), assessing critically Aristotle's distorted representation of Anaxagoras. Origen, formerly a Greek philosopher...
Origen has been always studied as a theologian and too much credit has been given to Eusebius' implausible hagiography of him. This book explores w...
This book traces the reinterpretations of the famous North African martyr text Passio Perpetuae et Felicitatis in the literature of the early Church from the 3rd century up to the times of Augustine. This recontextualization reaches its peak in the so-called Acta Perpetuaethat represent a radical rewriting of the original and an attempt to replace itwith a purified text more compliant with the socio-theological conventions of that time.
This book traces the reinterpretations of the famous North African martyr text Passio Perpetuae et Felicitatis in the literature of the ea...
This is the first biography in English of Johann Reuchlin (1455-1522), based upon the new critical edition of his correspondence. Reuchlin became most famous as the Catholic defender of Jewish books at the beginning of the 16th century, clarifying the Catholic Church's position toward the Jews. The book contributes to the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Declaration on Relations with the Jews of the Second Vatican Council in 1965.
Franz Posset, PhD, Dipl.-Theol., is internationally known as Catholic Luther scholar, specializing in the theology and history of the...
This is the first biography in English of Johann Reuchlin (1455-1522), based upon the new critical edition of his correspondence. Reuchlin became m...
Der vorliegende Band beleuchtet den Dialog orthodoxer Kirchen in ihrer historischen wie aktuellen Vielfalt. "Dialog" wird dabei in einem umfassenden Sinne verstanden: Er schliet neben dem innerorthodoxen Dialog auch den Dialog mit heterodoxen Stromungen und mit anderen Konfessionen ein. Ebenso bezieht er sich auf die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Islam und die Herausforderung durch die Sakularisierungstendenzen der Moderne.
Der vorliegende Band beleuchtet den Dialog orthodoxer Kirchen in ihrer historischen wie aktuellen Vielfalt. "Dialog" wird dabei in einem umfassende...
Conflict has been an inescapable facet of religion from its very beginnings. This volume offers insight into the mechanisms at play in the centuries from the Jesus-movement's first attempts to define itself over and against Judaism to the beginnings of Islam. Profiling research by scholars of the Centre for Early Christian Studies at Australian Catholic University, the essays document inter- and intra-religious conflict from a variety of angles. Topics relevant to the early centuries range from religious conflict between different parts of the Christian canon, types of conflict, the...
Conflict has been an inescapable facet of religion from its very beginnings. This volume offers insight into the mechanisms at play in the centurie...
This book rewrites the history of Christian peace ethics. Christian reflection on reducing violence or overcoming war has roots extending back to ancient Roman philosophy, and it eventually decisively influenced the formation of modern international law. This study traces the development of the tradition from Cicero, Augustine and Thomas Aquinas to early modern thinkers including Vitoria, Suarez, Martin Luther, Hugo Grotius and Immanuel Kant.
This book rewrites the history of Christian peace ethics. Christian reflection on reducing violence or overcoming war has roots extending back to a...
It is estimated that only a small fraction, less than 1 per cent, of ancient literature has survived to the present day. The role of Christian authorities in the active suppression and destruction of books in Late Antiquity has received surprisingly little sustained consideration by academics. In an approach that presents evidence for the role played by Christian institutions, writers and saints, this book analyses a broad range of literary and legal sources, some of which have hitherto been little studied. Paying special attention to the problem of which genres and book types were likely to...
It is estimated that only a small fraction, less than 1 per cent, of ancient literature has survived to the present day. The role of Christian authori...
Das Imperium Romanum interagierte vielfaltig und differenziert mit Kirche und Theologie - und umgekehrt. Die vorliegenden Studien untersuchen diese wechselvolle Beziehung und spannen einen weiten Bogen vom ersten bis zum sechsten Jahrhundert. Dabei nehmen die Beitrage den Osten wie den Westen des Imperium Romanum und seiner Nachfolgestaaten in den Blick und erortern das Thema unter Ruckgriff auf eine Vielfalt literarischer Gattungen. Der Band ist Hanns Christof Brennecke zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.
Das Imperium Romanum interagierte vielfaltig und differenziert mit Kirche und Theologie - und umgekehrt. Die vorliegenden Studien untersuchen...
Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte first began publication in 1925 and can claim to be one of the most tradition-rich historical book series. It presents research on the history of Christian churches and dogmas through the ages but also publishes papers on related disciplines such as archeology, history of art and literary studies. One of the series' leading features is its consistent striving to combine historical-methodical precision with systematic contextualization of each examined topic. In recent years the series has increasingly publishedstudies on themes relating to the history of...
Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte first began publication in 1925 and can claim to be one of the most tradition-rich historical book series. It pres...