'Mad Tales from the Raj' is an extensively researched study of mental illness within the context of British colonialism in early nineteenth-century India. The author challenges the assumption that western medical psychology was impartial and highlights the extent to which it reflected British colonial ideology and practice. This long overdue reprint makes available in easily accessible form an authoritative assessment of western, institution-based psychiatry during the East India Company's period. It includes a fully revised introduction that locates the work in relation to recent...
'Mad Tales from the Raj' is an extensively researched study of mental illness within the context of British colonialism in early nineteenth-century...
'Nationalizing the Body' revisits the history of 'western' medicine in colonial South Asia through the lives, writings and practice of the numerous Bengali 'daktars' who adopted and practised it. Refusing to see 'western' medicine as an alienated appendage of the colonial state, this book explores how 'western' medicine was vernacularised. It argues that a burgeoning medical market and a medical publishing industry together gave 'daktari' medicine a social identity which did not solely derive from its association with the state. Accessing many of the best-known ideas and episodes of...
'Nationalizing the Body' revisits the history of 'western' medicine in colonial South Asia through the lives, writings and practice of the numerous...
Commercial cinema has always been one of the biggest indigenous industries in India, and remains so in the post-globalization era, when Indian economy has entered a new phase of global participation, liberalization and expansion. Issues of community, gender, society, social and economic justice, bourgeois-liberal individualism, secular nationhood and ethnic identity are nowhere more explored in the Indian cultural mainstream than in commercial cinema. As Indian economy and policy have gone through a sea-change after the end of the Cold War and the commencement of the Global Capital, the...
Commercial cinema has always been one of the biggest indigenous industries in India, and remains so in the post-globalization era, when Indian econ...
"An Introduction to Changing India" provides a comprehensive view of the rapid changes occurring in India, particularly in the fields of culture, politics, economics and technology, population, environmental issues and gender. Having carried out anthropological research on kinship, gender issues, politics, class and caste, population issues and the appropriation of information technology in India since the 1990s, the authors draw from their own fieldwork and extensive reading of research reports in order to provide a comprehensive picture of Indian life.
"An Introduction to Changing India" provides a comprehensive view of the rapid changes occurring in India, particularly in the fields of culture, poli...
With its close analysis of the phenomenon of the migration of Indian students to Australia, this book critically approaches the entanglement of the education industry with migration opportunities, and looks into the goals and aspirations of the Indian middle class. It discusses the overlaps of studies on migration and transnationalism, and raises questions on skilled migration.
With its close analysis of the phenomenon of the migration of Indian students to Australia, this book critically approaches the entanglement of the...
Civil Society as a conceptual category across different disciplines and ideological and theoretical frameworks has enjoyed an acceptability that no other concept has in the recent past. In response to what could, perhaps, be referred to as the post-euphoric versions of the civil society, scholars across theoretical dispositions began to look for the critical limits of posturing core issues of democracy through the prism of civil society. It is in this context that Partha Chatterjee has made one of the most important interventions by opposing the idea of civil society to that of political...
Civil Society as a conceptual category across different disciplines and ideological and theoretical frameworks has enjoyed an acceptability that no...
"The Mahatma Misunderstood" studies the relationship between the production of novels in late-colonial India and nationalist agitation promoted by the Indian National Congress. The volume examines the process by which novelists who were critically engaged with Gandhian nationalism, and who saw both the potentials and the pitfalls of Gandhian political strategies, came to be seen as the Mahatma's standard-bearers rather than his loyal opposition.
In doing so, the volume challenges the orthodoxy in postcolonial and subaltern studies which contends that nationalists and nationalisms...
"The Mahatma Misunderstood" studies the relationship between the production of novels in late-colonial India and nationalist agitation promoted by ...
Indian novels in English have generated a considerable amount of interest both in India and in English-speaking countries, particularly during India's postliberalization period since 1991. For India, this period has seen unparalleled consumption of global goods and exposure to international media, and has resulted in Indian writers writing in English (including writers of Indian origin) catching the attention of the Western world like never before.
"Postliberalization Indian Novels in English: Politics of Global Reception and Awards" focuses on Indian writers writing in the English...
Indian novels in English have generated a considerable amount of interest both in India and in English-speaking countries, particularly during Indi...
'Navigating Social Exclusion and Inclusion in Contemporary India and Beyond' examines the applicability of the concept of social exclusion in contemporary India, and addresses the following questions: How does an increasingly liberalised Indian economy contribute to processes of social inclusion and exclusion and to the reproduction of poverty and inequality? To what extent does the deepening of Indian democracy offer hitherto marginalised social groups new opportunities for pursuing strategies of inclusion? And how does 'development' alter the social terrain on which inequalities are...
'Navigating Social Exclusion and Inclusion in Contemporary India and Beyond' examines the applicability of the concept of social exclusion in conte...
Authored by one of the leading scholars of German Indology, Fortified Cities in Ancient India offers a comparative exploration of the development of towns and cities in ancient India. Based on in-depth textual and archeological research, Professor Dieter Schlingloff s work presents for the first time the striking outcomes of intertwining data garnered from a wide range of sources. This volume scrutinizes much of the established knowledge on urban fortifications in South Asia, advancing new conceptions based on an authoritative, far-reaching study.
Authored by one of the leading scholars of German Indology, Fortified Cities in Ancient India offers a comparative exploration of the development o...