Bookland and Fyrd Service; Normans in Africa, Majorca and the Muslim Mediterranean; BL Additional MS. 40,000 ff 1v-12r; Ministers in the Midlands; Aristocration autour du Bec, 1077; Naval Logistics of the Cross-Channel Operation, 1066; England and the Holy Land; William Turbe, Bishop of Norwich; Housecarls in England in 11c; Illustrations of Warfare in 11c England; Herefordshire under William I; Motte de Mirville; Aimeri of Thouars. R. ABELS, D. ABULAFIA, C. CLARK, M.J. FRANKLIN, V. GAZEAU, C. GILLMOR, A. GRABOIS, C. HARPER-BILL, N. HOOPER, J. KIFF, C. LEWIS, J. LE MAHO, J. MARTINDALE. 19...
Bookland and Fyrd Service; Normans in Africa, Majorca and the Muslim Mediterranean; BL Additional MS. 40,000 ff 1v-12r; Ministers in the Midlands; Ari...
Military Administration of the Norman Conquest; Romanesque Sculpture at St Georges de Boscherville and Hyde Abbey; Seasonal Festivals and Residence in Winchester, Westminster and Gloucester; Mrs Ella Armitage and Castle Studies; Local Loyalties in Stephen's Reign; Franci et Angli: Legal Distinctions; St Bernard and England; Change and Continuity in 11c Mercia: St Wulfstan; Land and Service; Frankish Rivalries and Norse Warriors; Knights of Shaftesbury Abbey. B.S. BACHRACH, M. BAYLEE, M. BIDDLE, J. COUNIHAN, R. EALES, G. GARNETT, C. HOLDSWORTH, E. MASON, R. MORTIMER, E. SEARLE, A. WILLIAMS/.26...
Military Administration of the Norman Conquest; Romanesque Sculpture at St Georges de Boscherville and Hyde Abbey; Seasonal Festivals and Residence in...
Aquitainian Participation in the Conquest; Stereotype Normans in Vernacular Literature; Byzantine Marginalia to the Norman Conquest; Norman Architectural Patronage; Domesday Book and the Teneurial Revolution; Henry of Huntingdon and Historia Anglorum; Domesday Inquest and Land Adjudication; Abbey of Cava; Post-Conquest Attitudes to the Saints of the Anglo-Saxons; Danish Geometrical Viking Fortresses; Holy Face of Lucca. G. BEECH, M. BENNETT, K. CIGGAAR, E. FERNIE, R. FLEMING, D. GREENWAY, P. HYAMS, G.A. LOUD, S.J. RIDYARD, E. ROESDAHL, D. WEBB.34 plates, figs.
Aquitainian Participation in the Conquest; Stereotype Normans in Vernacular Literature; Byzantine Marginalia to the Norman Conquest; Norman Architectu...
Caen, 1987: 900th anniversary of the death of William the Conqueror. S-Etienne-de-Caen; Projet de beeatification de Guillaume le Conqueerant au 16e siecle?; Empress Matilda and Bec-Hellouin; Bayeux Tapestry; Warhorses of the Normans; S-Vaast-sur-Seulles; St Anselm and William the Conqueror; Early Savignac and Cistercian Architecture in Normandy; St Anselm on Lay Investiture; Ship List of William the Conqueror; Regenbald the Chancellor; William's Bishops; Arms, Armour and Warfare; Eadmer's Historia Novorum. M. BAYLEE, M. DE BOUARD, M. CHIBNALL, H.E.J. COWDREY, R.H.C. DAVIS, J. DECAENS, W....
Caen, 1987: 900th anniversary of the death of William the Conqueror. S-Etienne-de-Caen; Projet de beeatification de Guillaume le Conqueerant au 16e si...
AEthelwine, Pre-Conquest Sheriff; Alliances of AElfgar of Mercia; Castle Studies since 1850; Charles the Bald's Fortified Bridges; Clares and the Crown; Coastal Salt Production; Hydrographic and Ship Hydrodynamic Aspects of the Invasion; Leland and Historians; Monks in the World: Gundulf of Rochester; Obtaining Benefices in 12c E. Anglia; St Pancras Priory, Lewes; Slavery; Wace and Warfare.
AEthelwine, Pre-Conquest Sheriff; Alliances of AElfgar of Mercia; Castle Studies since 1850; Charles the Bald's Fortified Bridges; Clares and the Crow...
Founded by Professor R. Allen Brown, the Battle Conference this year celebrates its 20th meeting in Dublin with a particular focus on Irish topics. Anglo-Norman Studies, published annually and containing the papers presented at the conference, is established as the single most important publication in the field (as a glance at bibliographies of the period will confirm), covering not only matters relating to pre- and post-Conquest England and France, but also the activities and influences of the Normans on the wider European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern stage.
Founded by Professor R. Allen Brown, the Battle Conference this year celebrates its 20th meeting in Dublin with a particular focus on Irish topics. An...
Papers on English and Norman history from the early eleventh to the early thirteenth centuries: castles and monasteries, ecclesiastical administration and missionary activity, attitudes of the aristocracy, Domesday and Textus Roffensis
Papers on English and Norman history from the early eleventh to the early thirteenth centuries: castles and monasteries, ecclesiastical administration...
The proceedings of the 1996 Battle Conference contain the usual wide range of topics, from the late tenth century to 1200 and from Durham to Southern Italy, demonstrating once again its importance as the leading forum for Anglo-Norman studies. Many different aspects of the Anglo-Norman world are examined, ranging from military technology to the architecture of Durham Cathedral; there are also in-depth investigations of individual families and characters, including William Malet and Abbot Suger.
The proceedings of the 1996 Battle Conference contain the usual wide range of topics, from the late tenth century to 1200 and from Durham to Southern ...
Anglo-Norman Studies, published annually and containing the papers presented at the Battle conference, is established as the single most important publication in the field, covering not only matters relating to pre- and post-Conquest England and France, but also the activities and influences of the Normans on the wider European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern stage; it celebrates its twenty-first anniversary with this volume. This year there is an emphasis on the examination of sources: translation-narratives, the Life of Hereward, the Book of Llandaf, a Mont Saint Michel cartulary, Benoit...
Anglo-Norman Studies, published annually and containing the papers presented at the Battle conference, is established as the single most important pub...
Anglo-Norman Studies, published annually and containing the papers presented at the Battle conference founded by R. Allen Brown, is established as the single most important publication in the field (as a glance at bibliographies of the period will confirm), covering not only matters relating to pre- and post-Conquest England and France, but also the activities and influences of the Normans on the wider European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern stage. Among other subjects, this year's articles look at Norman architecture and its place in north-west European art; shipping and trade between...
Anglo-Norman Studies, published annually and containing the papers presented at the Battle conference founded by R. Allen Brown, is established as the...