As Luke's "sequel," the Acts of the Apostles serve as an ideal bridge between the four Gospels and the Epistles, revealing a crucial part of the Christian story. Here we follow the story of Jesus' earliest followers from their call to be his witnesses "to the ends of the earth," through their initial days of concord and numerical successes, to the challenges they faced as unfamiliar newcomers entered the scene. We discover the leadership changes that resulted from these challenges, explore a council's response to the struggles, and meet the champion who, against the odds, became the Church's...
As Luke's "sequel," the Acts of the Apostles serve as an ideal bridge between the four Gospels and the Epistles, revealing a crucial part of the Chris...
Daniel was written during a time when God's people were struggling to discern how to remain faithful, even as their lives were dominated by the political and cultural forces of the Empire. Daniel's central themes have remained relevant ever since: the challenge of remaining loyal to God despite the alternately seductive and threatening voices of imperial powers; the indispensability of humility before God; the perpetual problem of human arrogance and failure to recognize the overarching power of God; the insatiable and life-denying human thirst for power and control; and the call to find...
Daniel was written during a time when God's people were struggling to discern how to remain faithful, even as their lives were dominated by the pol...