Few people in history have achieved more yet with such fatal consequences for the cause that they supported than Hannibal. In this lively and accessible study Robert Garland explores Hannibal's fascinating but complex personality in the light of his extraordinary military and political career, which made him one of history's greatest survivors. He was certainly Rome's most formidable adversary, and the man who came closest to destroying her power base in Italy. At the same time Hannibal did more than anyone else to bring Carthage to the edge of ruin. His endurance in guiding his army and...
Few people in history have achieved more yet with such fatal consequences for the cause that they supported than Hannibal. In this lively and acces...
Like Guy Fawkes in early 17th-century Britain, L. Sergius Catilina was a threat to the constitution imposed on Rome by Sulla in the mid-1st century BC. His aim at first was to reach the consulship, the summit of power at Rome, by conventional means, but he lacked the money and support to win his way to the top, unlike two contemporaries of greater means and talent: the orator Cicero and the military man Pompey the Great.
Defeated for the third time, Catiline took to revolution with a substantial following: destitute farmers, impoverished landowners, discontented Italians and debtors...
Like Guy Fawkes in early 17th-century Britain, L. Sergius Catilina was a threat to the constitution imposed on Rome by Sulla in the mid-1st century...