The three decades before the Civil War have long been recognized as a time of crucial change in American society. In this comprehensive and insightful reinterpretation of antebellum culture, Anne C. Rose analyzes the major shifts in intellectual life that occurred between 1830 and 1860 while exploring three sets of concepts that provided common languages--Christianity, democracy, capitalism. Whereas many interpretations of American culture in this period have emphasized a single theme or have been preoccupied with the ensuing Civil War, Rose considers sharply divergent tendencies in religion...
The three decades before the Civil War have long been recognized as a time of crucial change in American society. In this comprehensive and insightful...
In The Roots of Democracy Robert E. Shalhope traces the dramatic shifts in attitudes and behavior from before the Revolution, through the war itself, and then on to the confederation period, the creation of republican governments, the making of the Constitution and the conflicts of the 1790s.
In The Roots of Democracy Robert E. Shalhope traces the dramatic shifts in attitudes and behavior from before the Revolution, through the war itself, ...
Twentieth-Century Multiplicity explores the effect of the culture-wide sense that prevailing syntheses failed to account fully for the complexities of modern life. As Daniel H. Borus documents the belief that there were many truths, many beauties, and many values--a condition that the historian Henry Adams labeled multiplicity--rather than singular ones prompted new departures in a myriad of discourses and practices ranging from comic strips to politics to sociology. The new emphasis on contingency and context prompted Americans to rethink what counted as truth and beauty, how the self was...
Twentieth-Century Multiplicity explores the effect of the culture-wide sense that prevailing syntheses failed to account fully for the complexities of...
The World Turned Inside Out explores American thought and culture in the formative moment of the late twentieth century in the aftermath of the fabled Sixties. The overall argument here is that the tendencies and sensibilities we associate with that earlier moment of upheaval decisively shaped intellectual agendas and cultural practices--from the all-volunteer Army to the cartoon politics of Disney movies--in the 1980s and 90s. By this accounting, the so-called Reagan Revolution was not only, or even mainly, a conservative event. By the same accounting, the Left, having seized the commanding...
The World Turned Inside Out explores American thought and culture in the formative moment of the late twentieth century in the aftermath of the fabled...
In the 1920s, Americans talked of their times as modern, which is to say, fundamentally different, in pace and texture, from what went before a new era. With the end of World War I, an array of dizzying inventions and trends pushed American society from the Victorian era into modernity. The New Era provides a history of American thought and culture in the 1920s through the eyes of American intellectuals determined to move beyond an older role as gatekeepers of cultural respectability and become tribunes of openness, experimentation, and tolerance instead. Recognizing the gap between...
In the 1920s, Americans talked of their times as modern, which is to say, fundamentally different, in pace and texture, from what went before a new er...