This volume addresses the most current perspectives and issues related to learning disabilities and is written by leaders in the field of learning disabilities. The layout of the book and ordering of chapters will allow readers to follow learning disabilities in a very logical and thoughtful process from legal issues, identification, and assessment, to effective practices and response to intervention finally ending with practical issues of inclusion, working with families, and teacher preparation. Chapters can be read in order or independently which will allow readers considerable...
This volume addresses the most current perspectives and issues related to learning disabilities and is written by leaders in the field of learning dis...
The field of special education constantly changes as a result of legislation, instructional formats and the research investigations. Addressing the issues and trends in special education, this title covers research, technology, and teacher preparation.
The field of special education constantly changes as a result of legislation, instructional formats and the research investigations. Addressing the is...
This volume addresses general and special education inclusion and how the education field has changed over time. The topic of inclusion has transformed over the years from when it was first introduced and as a result of legislation, new trends, and current research investigations. In addition, this topic can be somewhat controversial depending on the disability the child might have or those professionals involved in the process of instructing individuals with disabilities. Currently, there is no comprehensive resource that effectively covers these advances with the breath of topics as this...
This volume addresses general and special education inclusion and how the education field has changed over time. The topic of inclusion has transforme...
This volume addresses the most current perspectives and issues related to giftedness and is written by leaders in the field. An excellent resource for special educators, administrators, mental health clinicians, school counselors, and psychologists, this volume addresses the different educational issues that impact this population. The area of giftedness is constantly advancing as a result of legislation, new trends, and current research investigations. In addition, this area is somewhat controversial as it is often not funded under special education. The volume will allow readers to follow...
This volume addresses the most current perspectives and issues related to giftedness and is written by leaders in the field. An excellent resource for...
The volume will be divided into four parts. Part 1 will present an overview on disability that focuses on two major themes, namely, the biopsychosocial approaches to disability and cultural views of disability. Part 2 will examine five major areas of high incidence exceptionalities: cognitive impairment, learning disabilities and attention deficit hyperactivity, autism spectrum disorders, behavioural/emotional disorders and speech and language disorders.
The volume will be divided into four parts. Part 1 will present an overview on disability that focuses on two major themes, namely, the biopsychosocia...
The volume provides a comprehensive discussion of special education from across the globe. The volume includes chapters from major countries such as United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Russia and Japan as well as countries such as Nigeria, Israel and Pakistan. Discussions related to these countries will include information on origins of special education specific to that country, prevalence and incidence rates, trends in legislation and litigation, educational interventions, working with families, teacher training, a perspective on the progress of special education, and challenges that...
The volume provides a comprehensive discussion of special education from across the globe. The volume includes chapters from major countries such as U...
This proposed volume will provide in-depth coverage about a construct known as the broad autism phenotype (BAP). The BAP encompasses biological, cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and interpersonal characteristics resembling those found on the autism spectrum, although more subtle than what is evident among individuals who meet formal criteria for an autism spectrum diagnosis. Initially identified in 1994, the BAP has been receiving increased attention due to the recognition of autism as a spectrum of disorders that vary in symptoms and severity.
This proposed volume will provide in-depth coverage about a construct known as the broad autism phenotype (BAP). The BAP encompasses biological, cogni...
This two-part volume addresses the specific area of interdisciplinary connections within special education research. Special education has transformed as a result of legislation, new trends and current research investigations. Currently, there is no comprehensive resource that effectively covers these advances. Part A sets the agenda for this two-part volume by addressing the challenge of why an interdisciplinary understanding is necessary and also outlines the benefits of adopting a multidisciplinary framework.
This two-part volume addresses the specific area of interdisciplinary connections within special education research. Special education has transformed...
This two-part volume addresses the specific area of interdisciplinary connections within special education research. Special education has transformed as a result of legislation, new trends and current research investigations. Currently, there is no comprehensive resource that effectively covers these advances. Continuing the approach of Part A, Part B allows readers to follow interdisciplinary connections within special education as it relates to the roles of audiologists, surgeons, vision specialists and school nurses.
This two-part volume addresses the specific area of interdisciplinary connections within special education research. Special education has transformed...
This volume addresses general and special education inclusion and how the education field has changed over time. The topic of inclusion has transformed over the years from when it was first introduced and as a result of legislation, new trends, and current research investigations. In addition, this topic can be somewhat controversial depending on the disability the child might have or those professionals involved in the process of instructing individuals with disabilities. Currently, there is no comprehensive resource that effectively covers these advances with the breath of topics as this...
This volume addresses general and special education inclusion and how the education field has changed over time. The topic of inclusion has transforme...