The IFIP World Computer Congress (WCC) is one of the most important conferences in the area of computer science and a number of related Human and Social Science disciplines at the worldwide level and it has a federated structure, which takes into account the rapidly growing and expanding interests in this area. Human-Computer Interaction is now a mature and still dynamically evolving part of this area, which is represented in IFIP by the Technical Committee 13 on HCI. We are convinced that in this edition of WCC, which takes place for the first time in Italy, it will be interesting and useful...
The IFIP World Computer Congress (WCC) is one of the most important conferences in the area of computer science and a number of related Human and Soci...
This volume of ADVANCES IN NEUROSURGERY presents the original texts of 60 papers delivered at the 33rd annual meeting of the German Neuro- surgical Society held in Kiel from May 16th to 20th, 1982. These papers represent a selection from some 162 papers submitted and 96 actually given. The selection was made by the society's programme committee, of which Professor W. J. BOCK, Professor H. DIETZ and Professor W. GROTE are also members. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to them for their untiring cooperation. The scientific programme dealt with three main...
This volume of ADVANCES IN NEUROSURGERY presents the original texts of 60 papers delivered at the 33rd annual meeting of the German Neuro- surgical So...
W. SCHIEFER The 31st annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Neurochirurgie was held in Erlangen on May 1 - 4,1980. The numerous participants obviously enjoyed the opportunity to be co me acquainted with the attractive city of gardens, lecture theatres and workshops surrounded by a lovely countryside and a historic environment. The pro gram included a visit to the neighboring city of Nurnberg, to the old Reichsstadt Regensburg and an opening ceremony in the orangerie of the Erlangen palace, where the "Bamberger Ensemble fur alte Musik" presented interesting and little-known early...
W. SCHIEFER The 31st annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Neurochirurgie was held in Erlangen on May 1 - 4,1980. The numerous participants ...
The computer tomograms of the brain were investigated in 195 patients in whom a primary carcinoma was known to be present. Metastases of bronchial and mammary carcinomas are most frequent. It is not possible to achieve a definite differentiation of brain metastases from known primary tumors. References 1. Kazner, E. , Wende, S. , Grumme, Th. , Lanksch, W. , Stochdorph, 0. : Computertomographie intrakranieller Tumoren. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer 1981 2. Nadjmi, M. , Piepgras, U. , Vogelsang, H. : Kranielle Computertomo- graphie. Stuttgart: Thieme 1981 3. Penzholz, H. : Die...
The computer tomograms of the brain were investigated in 195 patients in whom a primary carcinoma was known to be present. Metastases of bronchial and...
On this occasion we look back on 25 years of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Neuro chirurgie. They hold a great deal: founding and development of the society, comple tion and extension, communication between the individual members and contacts to other societies beyond our borders. They also stand for close co-operation with those who transfer their patients to u- the neurologists and specialists in internal medicine, the ophthalmologists and ear nose-and throat specialists as well as the general surgeons. This 25th annual meeting will deal with two examples of diseases that present common...
On this occasion we look back on 25 years of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Neuro chirurgie. They hold a great deal: founding and development of the so...
W.DRIESEN This volume contains the original text of 60 papers delivered at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Neurosurgery, held in TUbingen, 22nd to 25th April, 1981. They represent a selection from 91 papers submitted, a third of which had to be excluded on critical analysis. This was deemed necessary on account of costs, and in order to keep the volume of a size and standard usually achieved within the last few years. Three main subjects were considered: 1. changes in methods of investigation and treatment of neurosurgi cal.conditions, brought about by the use of...
W.DRIESEN This volume contains the original text of 60 papers delivered at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Neurosurgery, held in TUb...
This 13th volume of Advances in Neurosurgery presents thos.e papers held at the 35th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery in Hannover, June 13-16, 1984. Of 150 papers submitted, the program com mittee of the Society chose 69 for presentation. I would like to thank Professors Bock, Brock, Jensen, Wenker, and Wlillenweber for their as sistance in the selection. It was the intention of the President of the Congress at this meeting to lay special scientific emphasis on discussion. For this reason the number of papers had to be limited even more than usual in order to give all...
This 13th volume of Advances in Neurosurgery presents thos.e papers held at the 35th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery in Hannover,...
This 14th volume of Advanaes in Neurosurgery includes the papers presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery in Berlin, May 12-15, 1985. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the program committee of the Society, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Klinger, Professors Brock, Dietz, Frowein, Lausberg, Wlillenweber, and Dr. Reuter for their assistance in selecting the contributions and in organizing the scientific program. The first main topic of the meeting was Spinal Cord Tumors. Introductory lectures dealing with basic anatomic knowledge, neuropathological...
This 14th volume of Advanaes in Neurosurgery includes the papers presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery in Berlin,...
This 16th volume of Advances in Neurosurgery contains a selection of pa pers presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery, held in Munster on 3-6 May 1987. The program committee had to choose these contributions from a total of 161 presentations. I am very much obliged to the members of the committee who contributed their experience and effort to the organization of the scientific pro gram: Prof. Dr. R.A. Frowein, Prof. Dr. W.J. Bock, Prof. Dr. E. Kazner, Prof. Dr. G. Lausberg, Prof. Dr. M. Klinger, and Prof. Dr. M. Brandt. The aim of the Meeting was to exchange...
This 16th volume of Advances in Neurosurgery contains a selection of pa pers presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurger...
The 17th volume of the "Advances in Neurosurgery" contains a selection of the scientific reports of the 39th annual meeting of the German Society for Neurosurgery, which was held in Cologne from May 8-11, 1988. The first section deals in particular with the long-term results of severe head injuries, as well as with problems of the acute traumatic hematomas and brain edema. The second section covers microsurgical experiences. Attention is focused on the anatomy and operative technique for lesions in and around the jugular foramen and the craniospinal transition....
The 17th volume of the "Advances in Neurosurgery" contains a selection of the scientific reports of the 39th annual meeting of the German Society for ...