This book contains contributions from some of the most eminent experts in the fields of genetics, biochemistry, and pathophysiology of diabetes. Through specific examples, with broad applications, this book provides a comprehensive look at how transcription factors may underline the pathogenetic mechanisms of diabetes and obesity. Volume 5 provides an overview of the status of the field, while also providing valuable information of practical utility to those who do not necessarily work in this field. The integration of basic biology with physiologically and clinically relevant proteins...
This book contains contributions from some of the most eminent experts in the fields of genetics, biochemistry, and pathophysiology of diabetes. Throu...
Historically the field of endocrine research has always been at the forefront of scientific endeavors. The investigators of these important breakthroughs in research have been rewarded by numerous Nobel awards. In the field of diabetes alone, Nobel prizes have been awarded to researchers who discovered insulin, characterized the protein and invented radioimmunoassays using insulin as a paradigm. Not surprisingly, biomedical researchers have always been attracted by the endocrine system and other similar systems of intercellular communication. Over the past two decades, endocrine research...
Historically the field of endocrine research has always been at the forefront of scientific endeavors. The investigators of these important breakthrou...