Fork algebras are a formalism based on the relational calculus, with interesting algebraic and metalogical properties. Their representability is especially appealing in computer science, since it allows a closer relationship between their language and models. This work gives a careful account of the results and presents some applications of Fork algebras in computer science, particularly in system specification and program construction. Many applications of Fork algebras in formal methods are foreseen, and the work covers all the essentials in order to provide the reader with a better...
Fork algebras are a formalism based on the relational calculus, with interesting algebraic and metalogical properties. Their representability is espec...
- Provides a uniform generalized theory of explanatory nonmonotonic reasoning - Focuses on the logical, monotonic basis of nonmonotonic reasoning - Shifts attention to some relatively recent, non-epistemic approaches to explanatory nonmonotonic reasoning
- Provides a uniform generalized theory of explanatory nonmonotonic reasoning - Focuses on the logical, monotonic basis of nonmonotonic reasoning
Reductionism is one of those philosophical myths that are either enthusiastically embraced or wholeheartedly rejected. And, like all other philosophical myths, it rarely gets serious consideration. "Reasoning About Theoretical Entities" strives to give reductionism its day in court, as it were, by explicitly developing several versions of the reductionist project and assessing their merits within the framework of modern symbolic logic. Not since the days of Carnap's "Aufbau" has reductionism received such close attention (albeit in a necessarily restricted and regimented setting such as that...
Reductionism is one of those philosophical myths that are either enthusiastically embraced or wholeheartedly rejected. And, like all other philosophic...