Devoted exclusively to infancy, both human and animal, this series publishes integrative work by infancy researchers. Psychologically oriented, the volumes offer substantive findings and new views of the developing and behaving infant.
Devoted exclusively to infancy, both human and animal, this series publishes integrative work by infancy researchers. Psychologically oriented, the vo...
Devoted to the timely presentation of innovative research on human and animal infants. The articles appearing here serve as primary references of authors' programmatic studies.
Devoted to the timely presentation of innovative research on human and animal infants. The articles appearing here serve as primary references of auth...
Twelve researchers from leading American universities present data of their studies and critically review it in contrast with other discoveries, emphasizing non-traditional and controversial approaches to the subject matter. The discussions concentrate on infant food deprivation, sucking, movement,
Twelve researchers from leading American universities present data of their studies and critically review it in contrast with other discoveries, empha...