Accretion-collision tectonics in mobile belts is one of the most important new topics in solid earth science. A special seminar on this subject, the Oji International Seminar on Accretion Tectonics, was held from the 10th to 16th September, 1981, in Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan. It was sponsored by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and the Fujihara Foundation of Science, organizers were S. Uyeda, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Amos Nur, Department of Geophysics, Stanford University, and M. Hashimoto, Department of Geology, National Science Museum, Tokyo. More...
Accretion-collision tectonics in mobile belts is one of the most important new topics in solid earth science. A special seminar on this subject, the O...
The international tsunami symposium convened by the Tsunami Commission of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics was held during May 25-28, 1981 at Send ai, Of un a to and Kamaishi, North East Honshu, Japan. This symposium was organized by the Japanese National Committee for the Organization of International Tsunami Symposium, 1981. The opening and closing ceremonies of the symposium were held at Sendai and Kamaishi, respectively, and eight sessions at Sendai and two sessions at Of una to were arranged. About 140 scientists and engineers including accompanied persons from ten...
The international tsunami symposium convened by the Tsunami Commission of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics was held during May 25-28,...
The contents of this volume are based largely on a symposium on cloud dynamics held in Hamburg, Germany, as a part of the Third General Assembly of the International Association of Mete- orology and Atmospheric Physics (IAMAP), 17-28 August-1981. Plans for this symposium were initiated by the Cloud Dynamics Group, appointed through the International Commission for Dynam- ic Meteorology (ICDM), IAMAP. Members of this group are Bruce Morton - Chairman, Australia; Tomio Asai - Secretary, Japan; E. M. Agee, USA; V. Andreyev, Bulgaria; K. Fradrich, FRG; M. W. Moncrieff, UK; R. S. Pastushkov, USSR;...
The contents of this volume are based largely on a symposium on cloud dynamics held in Hamburg, Germany, as a part of the Third General Assembly of th...
Physical and chemical studies of the earth and planets along with their sur roundings are now developing very rapidly. As these studies are of essentially international character, many international conferences, symposia, seminars and workshops are held every year. To publish proceedings of these meetings is of course important for tracing development of various disciplines of earth and plane tary sciences though publishing is fast getting to be an expensive business. It is my pleasure to learn that the Center for Academic Publications Japan and the Japan Scientific Societies Press have...
Physical and chemical studies of the earth and planets along with their sur roundings are now developing very rapidly. As these studies are of essenti...
The ocean floor spreading theory was proposed during 1961 and 62 by Robert Dietz and Harry Hess. This concept was a revolutionary one, and renewed the scientists thoughts on the dynamics of the ocean bottom. Then, for example, the coincidence of the Wadati-Benioff Zone with the subduction zone proposed by new concept was well understood. Further development of the ocean floor spreading theory was the proposal of new concept "plate tectonics" proposed by Xavier LePichon and by a few others during 1967 and 68. This new idea could solve the various conflicts involved in the "ocean floor...
The ocean floor spreading theory was proposed during 1961 and 62 by Robert Dietz and Harry Hess. This concept was a revolutionary one, and renewed the...
Computer simulation is now widely recognized as a powerful tool and useful method at the current stage of research in space plasma physics. The expected role of computer simulation is to bridge the existing gap between theories and experiments/observations and to give a profound physical insight into highly tangled and nonlinearly coupled space plasma phenomena. One of the goals of space plasma physics in 1980's and 1990's is to elucidate the quantitative causal relationships of global and local energy flows in space plasma environment and establish the space plasma physics via cooperative...
Computer simulation is now widely recognized as a powerful tool and useful method at the current stage of research in space plasma physics. The expect...
Physical and chemical studies of the earth and planets along with their sur roundings are now developing very rapidly. As these studies are of essentially international character, many international conferences, symposia, seminars and workshops are held every year. To publish proceedings of these meetings is of course important for tracing development of various disciplines of earth and plane tary sciences though publishing is fast getting to be an expensive business. It is my pleasure to learn that the Center for Academic Publications Japan and the Japan Scientific Societies Press have...
Physical and chemical studies of the earth and planets along with their sur roundings are now developing very rapidly. As these studies are of essenti...