This volume of Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics continues the tradition of the Advances series. It contains contributions from experts in the field of atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) physics. The articles contain some review material, but are intended to provide a comprehensive picture of recent important developments in AMO physics. Both theoretical and experimental articles are included in the volume.
International experts
Comprehensive articles
New developments
This volume of Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics continues the tradition of the Advances series. It contains contributions fro...
This volume of Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics celebrates and honors the work and life of Professor Herbert Walther. Areas of emphasis include quantum optics, in general, and BEC, atomic coherence, quantum interference, etc. in particular.
Pulls vast amount of information together in cohesive, easy to understand manner
Written by people who know and are familiar with Herbert Walther's work
Comprehensive articles
New developments
This volume of Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics celebrates and honors the work and life of Professor Herbert Walther. Areas o...
Volume 54 of the Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Series contains ten contributions, covering a diversity of subject areas in atomic, molecular and optical physics. The article by Regal and Jin reviews the properties of a Fermi degenerate gas of cold potassium atoms in the crossover regime between the Bose-Einstein condensation of molecules and the condensation of fermionic atom pairs. The transition between the two regions can be probed by varying an external magnetic field. Sherson, Julsgaard and Polzik explore the manner in which light and atoms can be entangled,...
Volume 54 of the Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Series contains ten contributions, covering a diversity of subject areas in...
Volume 55 of the Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Series contains seven contributions, covering a diversity of subject areas in atomic, molecular and optical physics. In their contribution, Stowe, Thorpe, Pe'er, Ye, Stalnaker, Gerginov, and Diddams explore recent developments in direct frequency comb spectroscopy. Precise phase coherence among successive ultrashort pulses of a frequency comb allows one to probe fast dynamics in the time domain and high-resolution structural information in the frequency domain for both atoms and molecules. The authors provide a...
Volume 55 of the Advances in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Series contains seven contributions, covering a diversity of subject areas ...
This volume continues the tradition of the Advances series. It contains contributions from experts in the field of atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) physics. The articles contain some review material, but are intended to provide a comprehensive picture of recent important developments in AMO physics. Both theoretical and experimental articles are included in the volume. - International experts - Comprehensive articles - New developments
This volume continues the tradition of the Advances series. It contains contributions from experts in the field of atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO...
This series, established in 1965, is concerned with recent developments in the general area of atomic, molecular, and optical physics. The field is in a state of rapid growth, as new experimental and theoretical techniques are used on many old and new problems. Topics covered also include related applied areas, such as atmospheric science, astrophysics, surface physics, and laser physics.
This series, established in 1965, is concerned with recent developments in the general area of atomic, molecular, and optical physics. The field is in...
This series, established in 1965, is concerned with recent developments in the general area of atomic, molecular and optical physics. The field is in a state of rapid growth, as new experimental and theoretical techniques are used on many old and new problems. Topics covered include related applied areas, such as atmospheric science, astrophysics, surface physics and laser physics. Articles are written by distinguished experts who are active in their research fields. The articles contain both relevant review material and detailed descriptions of important recent developments.
This series, established in 1965, is concerned with recent developments in the general area of atomic, molecular and optical physics. The field is in ...