Craniofacial development is a multistep and intricate process initially involving a number of inductive interactions that control neural and neural crest development, which are followed by a series of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that control outgrowth, patterning, and skeletal differentiation. Certain aspects of craniofacial development are unique developmental processes in higher vertebrates. First, in higher vertebrates the cranial neural crest, in contrast to the trunk neural crest, gives rise to the skeletal structures. These skeletal elements include those comprising mem- brane...
Craniofacial development is a multistep and intricate process initially involving a number of inductive interactions that control neural and neural cr...
Considerable advances have been made in cardiology during the last few decades. In particular, there has been great progress in the field of coronary angiography both when combined with, and without, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic reso- nance (MR) imaging. These techniques of modern imaging allow the cardiologist and coronary surgeon to study every cardiac structure in detail, both two- and three-di- mensionally and from either side, to analyze the movements of the heart and valves, and to observe myocardial circulation and even myocardial metabolic processes. However, coronary heart...
Considerable advances have been made in cardiology during the last few decades. In particular, there has been great progress in the field of coronary ...
As a draining and secretory system, the nasolacrimal ducts play a role in tear transport and non-specific immune defense. In this book recent advances about the nasolacrimal ducts have been summarized and discussed in context with nasolacrimal duct pathophysiology.
As a draining and secretory system, the nasolacrimal ducts play a role in tear transport and non-specific immune defense. In this book recent advan...
This book has two major themes: one, to provide a general un- derstanding of the biology of spinal cord injury (SCI) in ani- mal models and their relationship to naturally occurring inju- ry in man, and secondly, to review novel means to induce functional recovery from spinal cord injury based on develop- mental biophysics and physiology. These are new innovations in the treatment of SCI, born of disciplines that have not re- ceived much attention from investigators interested in the re- pair and regeneration of the Central Nervous System (CNS). They include development of 4-Aminopyridine for...
This book has two major themes: one, to provide a general un- derstanding of the biology of spinal cord injury (SCI) in ani- mal models and their rela...
It is important, indeed necessary, we believe, that the study of the higher brain func- tions be introduced by a brief account of the evolution of the philosophical thinking and scientific researches on cognition. The intuition that sensations and intelligence reside in the brain goes back to the Egyptians, in particular the Edwin Smith papyrus, probably dated between 2500 and 3000 b. c., where the term "brain" appears for the first time and where there is a description of its coverings (meninges) and circumvolutions (Walsh 1994). The philosophical debate on brain and mind made its appearance...
It is important, indeed necessary, we believe, that the study of the higher brain func- tions be introduced by a brief account of the evolution of the...
1. 1 Neuro-Electronic Interfacing 1. 1. 1 Nervous System Communication in the(human) bodyand the interaction with the environment is controlled by the nervous system. It can be divided into a central part, which - cludes the spinal cord, brainstem, cerebellum, and cerebrum, and a peripheral part, which includes all neuronal tissue outside the central part (Martini 2001). The latter provides the interface between the central nervous system and the internal and ext- nal environment of the body. Eye, ear, skin, and muscle sensors provide the nec- sary information. Via primary afferent neurons...
1. 1 Neuro-Electronic Interfacing 1. 1. 1 Nervous System Communication in the(human) bodyand the interaction with the environment is controlled by the...
Preparatory work for this monograph started in 1988 and 1989. The motive was provided by certain incongruities in the illustra- tion of descensus testis for the chapter "Entwicklung der Genital- organe" in the book Humanembryologie. The evoked discussion was reason enough for our own re- search on the phenomenon and uncertainties of testicular des- cent in human. The basis ofthese investigations was the collection of human embryos founded by Prof. Hinrichsen in 1970 at the Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Ruhr-University Bo- chum. The preparation of the material used in this paper has...
Preparatory work for this monograph started in 1988 and 1989. The motive was provided by certain incongruities in the illustra- tion of descensus test...