Although many studies have established the connections of the inferior olivary complex, there have been relatively few studies on the morphology of this nuclear complex. On the base of the similar topographic relations and connections with the cerebellum, the inferior olivary complex is regarded as homologous in all vertebrates. We present comprehensive light microscopical qualitative and quantitative analysis of the inferior olivary complex of different representatives of submammalian and mammalian vertebrates, including human. A detailed comparison was made at the structural level....
Although many studies have established the connections of the inferior olivary complex, there have been relatively few studies on the morphology of th...
Investigations on anatomical specimens have demonstrated that the subchondral mineralization does indeed show regular distribution patterns from which conclusions about the mechanical situation within an individual joint may be drawn. Since radiographical densitometry and histological methods are only available for determining the adaptive reaction of the bone to the mechanical situation in a joint after death, the information obtained applies only to an end situation and tells us nothing about the development of the changes with time. Furthermore, investigations carried out on human...
Investigations on anatomical specimens have demonstrated that the subchondral mineralization does indeed show regular distribution patterns from which...
1.1 Overview The precise knowledge of the three-dimensional (3-D) assembly of biological structures is still in its origin. As an example, a widely accepted concept and common belief of the structure of the airway network oflung is that of a regular, dichotomous branching pattern, also known as the trumpet model. This model, first introduced by Weibel in 1963, is often used in clinical and physiological applications. However, if this concept of dichotomy is used to model lung, a shape is obtained that is quite different from a real lung. As a matter of fact, many previous quantitative...
1.1 Overview The precise knowledge of the three-dimensional (3-D) assembly of biological structures is still in its origin. As an example, a widely ac...
With the advances of immunohistochemistry in combination with confocal microscopy, airway sensory receptor end-organs can now be examined and evaluated objectively. Based on their 'neurochemical coding', morphology, location and origin, three sensory receptor end organs are currently morphologically well-characterised: smooth muscle-associated airway receptors (SMARs), neuroepithelial bodies (NEBs) and visceral pleura receptors (VPRs). The present information on the functional morphological and neurochemical characteristics of these sensory receptors, leads to important conclusions about...
With the advances of immunohistochemistry in combination with confocal microscopy, airway sensory receptor end-organs can now be examined and evalu...
The hypothalamus is a vitally important component of the vertebrate nervous system, being involved in the regulation of the pituitary gland, the autonomic nervous system, and the central and peripheral motor systems; and implicated in such functions as reproduction, feeding, drinking, aggression, vigilance, and some other not clearly understood motivational processes. The development of the hypothalamus is generally recognized as an important field of inquiry, and many studies are available that deal with the biochemical, electrophysiologi- cal, morphological, and behavioral maturation of one...
The hypothalamus is a vitally important component of the vertebrate nervous system, being involved in the regulation of the pituitary gland, the auton...
Recovery of mimic function after facial nerve transection is poor: the successful regrowth of axotomized motoneurons to their targets is compromised by (i) poor axonal navigation and excessive collateral branching, (ii) abnormal exchange of nerve impulses between adjacent regrowing axons and (iii) insufficient synaptic input to facial motoneurons. As a result, axotomized motoneurons get hyperexcitable and unable to discharge. Since improvement of growth cone navigation and reduction of the ephaptic cross-talk between axons turn out be very difficult, the authorsa concentrated on the third...
Recovery of mimic function after facial nerve transection is poor: the successful regrowth of axotomized motoneurons to their targets is compromised b...