PREFACE TO THE COLLECTION PREAMBLE The editors are pleased to present a selection of Henri Theil's contributions to economics and econometrics in three volumes. In Volume I we have provided an overview of Theil's contributions, a brief biography, an annotated bibliography of his research, and a selection of published and unpublished articles and chapters in books dealing with topics in econometrics. Volume II contains Theil's contributions to demand analysis and information theory. Volume III includes Theil's contributions in economic policy and forecasting, and management science. The...
PREFACE TO THE COLLECTION PREAMBLE The editors are pleased to present a selection of Henri Theil's contributions to economics and econometrics in thre...
PREFACE TO THE COLLECTION PREAMBLE The editors are pleased to present a selection of Henri Theil's contributions to economics and econometrics in three volumes. In Volume I we have provided an overview of Theil's contributions, a brief biography, an annotated bibliography of his research, and a selection of published and unpublished articles and chapters in books dealing with topics in econometrics. Volume IT contains Theil's contributions to demand analysis and information theory. Volume ITI includes Theil's contributions in economic policy and forecasting, and management science. The...
PREFACE TO THE COLLECTION PREAMBLE The editors are pleased to present a selection of Henri Theil's contributions to economics and econometrics in thre...
Studies in Global Econometrics is a collection of essays on the use of cross-country data based on purchasing power parities. The two major applications are the development over time of per capital gross domestic products, (including that of their inequalities among countries and regions) and the fitting of cross-country demand equations for broad groups of consumer goods. The introductory chapter provides highlights of the author's work as relating to these developments. One of the main topics of the work is a system of demand equations for broad groups of consumer goods...
Studies in Global Econometrics is a collection of essays on the use of cross-country data based on purchasing power parities. The two major a...
The optimisation of economic systems over time, and in an uncertain environment, is central to the study of economic behaviour. The behaviour of rational decision makers, whether they are market agents, firms, or governments and their agencies, is governed by decisions designed to seeure the best outcomes subject to the perceived information and economic responses (inlcuding those of other agents). Economic behaviour has therefore to be analysed in terms of the outcomes of a multiperiod stochastic optimisation process containing four main components: the economic responses (the dynamic...
The optimisation of economic systems over time, and in an uncertain environment, is central to the study of economic behaviour. The behaviour of ratio...
The field of Computational Economics is a fast growing area. Due to the limitations in analytical modeling, more and more researchers apply numerical methods as a means of problem solving. In tum these quantitative results can be used to make qualitative statements. This volume of the Advanced Series in Theoretical and Applied and Econometrics comprises a selected number of papers in the field of computational economics presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society Economic Dynamics and Control held in Minneapolis, June 1990. The volume covers ten papers dealing with computational issues in...
The field of Computational Economics is a fast growing area. Due to the limitations in analytical modeling, more and more researchers apply numerical ...
Louis Phlips The stabilisation of primary commodity prices, and the related issue of the stabilisation of export earnings of developing countries, have traditionally been studied without reference to the futures markets (that exist or could exist) for these commodities. These futures markets have in turn been s udied in isolation. The same is true for the new developments on financial markets. Over the last few years, in particular sine the 1985 tin crisis and the October 1987 stock exchange crisis, it has become evident that there are inter actions between commodity, futures, and financial...
Louis Phlips The stabilisation of primary commodity prices, and the related issue of the stabilisation of export earnings of developing countries, hav...
Lawrence Klein, University of Pennsylvania Jaime Marquez, Federal Reserve BoarrI* All examination of the economics literature over the last twenty years reveals a marked tendency towards polarisation. On the one hand, there has been a propensity to develop theoretical models which have little connection with either empirical verification or problems requiring immediate attention. On the other iland, empirical analyses are generally typified by testing for its own sake, with limited examination of the implications of the results. As a result, the number of papers confronting theory with facts...
Lawrence Klein, University of Pennsylvania Jaime Marquez, Federal Reserve BoarrI* All examination of the economics literature over the last twenty yea...
o. Guvenen, University of Paris IX-Dauphine The aim of this publication is to present recent developments in international com modity market model building and policy analysis. This book is based mainly on the research presented at the XlIth International Conference organised by the Applied Econometric Association (AEA) which was held at the University of Zaragoza in Spain. This conference would not have been possible with out the cooperation of the Department of Econometrics of the University of Zaragoza and its Chairman A.A. Grasa. I would like to express my thanks to all contributors. I am...
o. Guvenen, University of Paris IX-Dauphine The aim of this publication is to present recent developments in international com modity market model bui...
Econometrics of Health Care - which we have sometimes called 'medico metrics' - is a field in full expansion. The reasons are numerous: our knowl edge of quantitative relations in the field of health econometrics is far from being perfect, a large number of analytical difficulties - combining medical (latent factors, e. g. ) and economic facts (spatial behaviour, e. g. ) are faced by the research worker, medical and pharmaceutical techniques change rapidly, medical costs rocket more than proportionally with available resources, of being tightened. medical budgets are in the process So it is...
Econometrics of Health Care - which we have sometimes called 'medico metrics' - is a field in full expansion. The reasons are numerous: our knowl edge...
Recent economic history suggests that a key element in economic growth and development for many countries has been an aggressive export policy and a complementary import policy. Such policies can be very effective provided that resources are used wisely to encourage exports from industries that can be com petitive in the international arena. Also, import protection must be used carefully so that it encourages infant industries instead of providing rents to industries that are not competitive. Policy makers may use a variety of methods of analysis in planning trade policy. As computing power...
Recent economic history suggests that a key element in economic growth and development for many countries has been an aggressive export policy and a c...