This volume presents the lecture notes from the authors' three summer courses offered during the program "Automorphisms of Free Groups: Geometry, Topology, and Dynamics," held at the Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM) in Bellaterra, Spain.
The first two chapters present the basic tools needed, from formal language theory (regular and context-free languages, automata, rewriting systems, transducers, etc) and emphasize their connections to group theory, mostly relating to free and virtually-free groups. The material covered is sufficient to present full proofs of many of the...
This volume presents the lecture notes from the authors' three summer courses offered during the program "Automorphisms of Free Groups: Geometry, T...
This book collects the notes of the lectures given at an Advanced Course on Dynamical Systems at the Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM) in Barcelona. Christopher Phillips, serves as an introduction to group actions on C*-algebras and their crossed products, with emphasis on the simple case and when the said products are classifiable.
This book collects the notes of the lectures given at an Advanced Course on Dynamical Systems at the Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM) in Barcelona. ...
This book contains the notes of the lectures delivered at an Advanced Course on Combinatorial Matrix Theory held at Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM) in Barcelona. The fourth lecture was delivered by Stephen Kirkland and is dedicated to the applications of the Group Inverse of the Laplacian matrix.
This book contains the notes of the lectures delivered at an Advanced Course on Combinatorial Matrix Theory held at Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM)...
This volume presents an elaborated version of lecture notes for two advanced courses: (Re)Emerging methods in Commutative Algebra and Representation Theory and Building Bridges Between Algebra and Topology, held at the CRM in the spring of 2015. Homological algebra is a rich and ubiquitous area;
This volume presents an elaborated version of lecture notes for two advanced courses: (Re)Emerging methods in Commutative Algebra and Representation T...
This book gives a systematic survey of classical and recent results on hyperbolic cross approximation. Motivated by numerous applications, the last two decades have seen great success in studying multivariate approximation.
This book gives a systematic survey of classical and recent results on hyperbolic cross approximation. Motivated by numerous applications, the last ...