Examines the religious dimensions of an early twentieth century black power movement, the universal Negro Improvement Association, and its founder, Marcus Garvey.
Examines the religious dimensions of an early twentieth century black power movement, the universal Negro Improvement Association, and its founder, Ma...
Argues that political and technological changes have demonstrated the inadequacy of both just war theory and political realism in relation to modern war, and examines how these changes have transformed the way in which war is conceived and fought.
Argues that political and technological changes have demonstrated the inadequacy of both just war theory and political realism in relation to modern w...
Few questions have troubled Christians more than the destiny of those who do not hear the gospel. For reasons described in this work, Irenaeus (second century Bishop of Lyons) did not directly address the issue of the salvation of the unevangelized. A careful analysis is therefore made of the saving effects of the various modes of revelation about which Irenaeus wrote, in the context of his conflict with the Gnostics. Particular attention is given to his understanding of the respective roles of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in divine revelation, the role of the Church, and the human...
Few questions have troubled Christians more than the destiny of those who do not hear the gospel. For reasons described in this work, Irenaeus (second...