About the authors Acknowledgements About this resource Part 1: Behind the scenes Part 2: Setting the scene Makhala's story: Resilience Jennifer, Anne and Christine: Cultural and social inclusion Toby's story: Being authentic Bernie's story: The lived experience Jean's story: Carers Toby: Recovery Clinical supervision: Learning about self and others Part 3: Stories from consumers, carers and clinicians Claire's story: How mental health has changed Lisa's story: Experiencing a major life transition Mike's story: Facilitating empowerment Gordon's story: Fatherhood Rachel's story: Relating to young people Nadine's story: Having a parent with a mental illness Tara's story: Humanising dementia care Jeremy's story: Beliefs and perceptions Toby's story: Providing an accessible service Lorraine's story: A creative consumer advocate Christine's story: Primary mental healthcare Catherine's story: Reframing personality disorder Louise's story: On conversational models Jarrad's story: Containing fear Todd's story: Consultation liaison Sonja's story: Finding strengths Collaborative practice Kay's story: The social and physical impacts of alcohol Colleen's story: Health education as core to mental health nursing Zoe's story: Living with multiple selves Jay's story: Being non-judgemental Bill's story: Cultivating a therapeutic milieu Transcripts