This well written and engaging book is essential reading for all scholars of cross-cultural management and should be set reading for students of international management. It offers an alternative but necessary approach to the subject and a comprehensive geographic coverage including the often neglected global South. It integrates case studies to illustrate and extract theory about the many facets of managing and organizing across cultures. Importantly, it provides
valuable guidelines for conducting interpretative intercultural research from a research team drawing their experience from their extensive research over thirty years. Overall, a very impressive achievement.
Philippe d'Iribarne is Managing Director of Gestion et Société (National Cultures & Organisations, at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Paris.
Jean-Pierre Segal was a member of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) unit Dauphine Recherche Management (DRM) before retiring in November 2018, and remains a supervisor of PhD theses at Paris Dauphine University.
Sylvie Chevrier teaches at Université Gustave Eiffel and is former deputy director of the research centre in management of Paris-Est University (IRG).
Alain Henry was previously Director of Research at the French Development Agency (AFD), and is currently a member of the research group National Cultures & Organisations (Gestion et Société).
Geneviève Tréguer-Felten formerly directed communications departments in MNCs and is currently a member of the research group GEM&L (a language-sensitive research in management association).